finally here

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Andrew's point of view

Eight and a half months passed since Riley told me that she was pregnant despite only being a few weeks at the time, I was finally back in California after the world tour was over. I got a phone call from Ryder which was unexpected since he rarely called me unless it was important so I decided to see what he wanted.

Andrew: what's up Ryder?

Ryder: Riley wanted me to let you know that we're on the way to the hospital with her and she wanted you to meet us there if you're back in town.

Andrew: what's going on?

Ryder: she's in labor.

I quickly hung up the phone after finding out what hospital they were going to and I had Jared turn the truck around and take me to the hospital to meet them.

I was quickly taken to the room she was in after telling the nurse who I was here to see, I seen her laying in the bed while a nurse hooked her up to a heart monitor and a few other things when I walked inside the room.

Andrew: hey baby.

Riley: I'm glad you're here.

Andrew: Jared drove here as fast as he could, how are you feeling?

Riley: I'm okay.

I sat down after taking her hand in mine and listened to her breathing like the nurse was telling her to do.

Nurse: it could take several hours before you are able to give birth but me and a few other nurses will keep a check on you regularly so try to get some rest.

She quickly left the room and I got a couple of hours of sleep but was woken up hearing Riley calling my name.

Riley: Andrew...

Andrew: what is it baby bear?

Riley: it hurts...

I wasn't sure what to do about the pain so I comforted her until it passed since it was a labor pain.

Riley: I love you baby.

Andrew: I love you too.

I noticed that she was about to say something when another labor pain happened and I felt her gently squeezed my hand until it passed, twelve hours passed and she gave birth to a healthy baby girl who we decided on naming Phoenyx Rose Black. After Riley was taken back to a regular hospital room, her dad along with Ryder and Nova come to see the baby.

I noticed that Riley looked exhausted and they agreed to come back later so she could rest, which didn't take long for her to fall asleep and I walked to the gift shop while she was resting and bought her a few things.

I headed back to the room and left the gifts on the table beside her, I seen Elliot and Jared walking into the room and I gestured for them to be quiet since Riley was sleeping while I was holding Phoenyx in my arms.

Elliot: she's so tiny.

Jared: what did you two decide to name her?

Andrew: Phoenyx.

Elliot: beautiful name.

Jared: Riley did good.

They left after another hour passed and they bought her a few gifts from the gift shop, I seen Riley waking up while I was still holding our daughter.

Riley: hey handsome. Have you got any sleep?

Andrew: I couldn't sleep so I decided to hold her while you rested.

Riley: okay baby.

Two days passed since Phoenyx was born and we were finally able to take her home, Ryder picked us up in Riley's vehicle and drove to our house where their dad and Nova along with Elliot and Jared were waiting for us.

They decided to throw a party so we could celebrate the birth of Phoenyx, I knew that everyone here would play a part in raising her and I was content with that.

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