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Riley's point of view

Four years after Phoenyx was born, I found out that I was pregnant again even though Andrew and I decided to be careful about it. He was on the road with the band and I was on a video chat with him when I told him the news.

Riley: I know that we decided to be careful but...

Andrew: what is it baby?

I picked up the pregnancy test and show it to him and he immediately started crying a little bit which caught Elliot's attention.

Riley: aww baby, don't cry please

Andrew: I'm sorry baby, I'm just happy.

Elliot: congratulations you two.

Riley: thank you Elliot.

I watched as he walked away from Andrew and we spoke alone for a few minutes before Jared walked in view of the camera.

Jared: congratulations you two!

Andrew: thanks man.

Riley: thank you Jared.

Jared walked away as fast as he got in view and left us alone to chat with each other in private once again.

Riley: has he been acting like that the entire trip you three been together?

Andrew: pretty much yeah, I think it's cause of the lack of sleep we've been dealing with since we're heading back home.

Riley: I can't wait to see you.

Andrew: I miss you too baby, I'll be home soon I promise.

Riley: I love you baby.

Andrew: I love you too.


Andrew's point of view

We spoke for a little while longer when it happened, I remember feeling a sharp pain in my leg when everything went black.


The sound of faint beeping was the only thing I could hear then a steady increase of ringing filled my ears while I seen the blurred sight of people walking by along with seeing one in particular walk in my direction before I slowly went back to sleep.

The only thing I felt was the tingling sensation of something touching my hand even though I wasn't sure who it was because all I could see was a blurry silhouette of a person out of one of my eyes.

I wasn't sure who it was but it made me happy knowing that I had someone here beside me.

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