chapter one, a healing wound

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stepping into the sight of the future–––a house was seen emerged into a set of dangerous dark red flames, the sound of the flames roaring all through the house, frantic screams and shouts was heard coming from all around the house.

a pair of fair skinned hands that was covered with horrifying burns was seen weakly grabbing onto the entrance, tiredly crawling out of the house, smoke escaping from the house, the guy's hair all tracked with dirt.


"what the hell are you doing here? are you trying to get yourself killed? get out of here!" peter lowly growls in pain but anger.

"no, i'm not leaving you." a tan skinned hand hovered over his slightly burned face, the hale lightly flinching.

"sorry–––okay, i'm gonna take you to the hospital, my mom works there, she'll help you." aviva softly says.

"leave." peter glowed his golden eyes up at the human girl.

aviva scoffs, blankly staring at him. "you don't scare me, hale."

"don't be such a god and let me help you." aviva gave him a stern glare.

peter sighs out, reluctantly letting her help him, mumbling out. "stubborn little mccall."

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a black suv was seen driving through the dark roads of beacon hills, now entering inside the town.

a dark brown, blue eyed teenager was seen sitting in the passenger seat, his ocean blue eyes that matched his father's one, was seen glancing out the window, sighing out.

a blonde woman, whom was driving the car, glanced over at her nephew. "don't pout, it's just a new town, how bad will it be?"

"i just don't understand why we had to move." henrik sighs out.

"better scenery." kate shrugs, then smiles. "and probably give you a better chance to perfect those archery moves."

henrik sighs out, then frowning at his aunt, giving her an upsetting look. "i could've still practiced in san fransisco, where we used to live!"

kate rolls her eyes, then smiling at him. "y-." kate was saying, but henrik quickly cut her off. "kate!" the argent woman obviously not knowing what's his issue shouted back. "henrik!"

a latina girl that was in henrik's age rank was seen getting ready to ride on her bike, as she was on the side of a road, her dark brown eyes widening as she had taken noticed of a suv coming her way.

"oh my god." kate whispers, the woman then swerving to the left violently, trying not to hit her.

"oh, did she get hit?" henrik asks in concern.

aviva was seen falling on the ground, her seeing that her knee was bleeding, her slightly wincing. "oh, damn."

aviva then saw her back had roll into the woods, her deciding to come back later.

"henrik! come on! henrik!" kate shouts over as the younger argent who dashed out of the car.

kate mumbles out. "your dad is going to kill me."

kate then reluctantly got out of the car, her then grabbing henrik by his hoodie.

"she's not here." henrik frowns.

"and that means that she's fine, come on, let's go, before your dad kills the both of us." kate then sighs out.

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"what took you guys so long?" chris argent looks in between his son and sister.

kate smirks. "he got sidetracked by a girl."

"oh! henrik got a girlfriend!" a eleven year old allison argent came bouncing from behind her father, grins at her older brother.

"hello, there, come here." henrik gave her a playful scolding look.

"catch me if you can!" allison giggles, running up the stairs.

"by the way–––kate hit her with her car." henrik says, chris' eyes widening in shock at his sister. "and by the time i got out to look for her she was gone."

"which proves that she's fine!" kate exclaims, henrik then ran up the stairs going after his little sister.

melissa mccall raised a brow at her fifteen year old daughter, after listening to her story, her aiding her bleeding knee as she sat on the counter.

", you was riding and your bike ran into a tree, and the tree cut you?" melissa stares at her as if she didn't believe it.

aviva nods at her mother, melissa sighing out at her. "that's your story?"

aviva smiles. "and that's the one i'm sticking with."

"...was she a werewolf?" chris whispers quietly, so his daughter won't hear them. "kate, you know you aren't supposed to kill them, not until you know what they do, we have-."

"a code, i know, but this was a mistake! okay?" kate rolls her eyes, chris carefully looking over at his sister.

"would you relax? no one died." kate sighs out.

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at the high school, coming inside, it was seen that smiles and laughs graced across everyone's face as they talked to their friends, then going further down, there was a door labelled DANCE ROOM and upbeat music was heard coming from inside the room.

aviva mccall was seen trying her best to dance, since it's something that she does in her spare time, or right before school starts.

the latina then felt a stinging pain resurrected from inside her, stinging at her knee, her then dropping herself on the ground, heavily breathing out, wincing slightly.

"it was all good until you sprawled onto the ground."

aviva, knowing exactly who it was just by the sound of his voice, rolls her eyes. "i'm in pain but that doesn't mean i won't hurt you."

"woah! ease there!" derek lightly chuckles.

"is there something you want to tell me?" derek asks, nearing towards her.

aviva then turns her head, her dark brown eyes then noticing derek next to her.

"is there another place you need to be?" aviva retorts.

derek's blue eyes then looked down at her, him placing his hand on her knee, seeing how she flinched every now and then from her knee.

"please, get your hands away from my knee." aviva looks at him.

"you know...i really think that you're a great girl, smart and beautiful." derek engaged her with a conversation to try and distract her from the pain.

aviva looks at derek with glee. "really?"

derek had dark veins crawling up his hands, as his hands was placed on her knee, which she was oblivious too.

after he was done, one of his friends was heard whistling to his attention. "if you're done macking her, can we go? we got practice."

derek then quickly got up. "i really do mean it." derek then winks at her, her smiling at him.

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