chapter forty three, huntress girlfriend

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inside a house, a man with dark brown hair and dark eyes was sitting on a couch, all laid back, then the door to the entrance was being opened then closed, ennis stepping inside the house, him seeing the other alpha leaning toward on the couch, giving him a look.

ennis sighing out at the sight of him, then looking down and quickly walking away.


ennis sighs out, then turning around to face the other alpha. "...what, deucalion?"

"where did you go last night?" deucalion sternly asks.

ennis stayed silent.

"i told you not to bother her again, we don't accept betas." deucalion reminds.

ennis sighs out. "well–––i was saying that it could probably teach henrik a lesson for what his family did to me..."

"but, this girl–––she's like all over the place." ennis sighs out with a roll of an eye.

", you decided attacking her at a school dance was the way to go?" deucalion gave him a look.

ennis scoffs. "did anyone get hurt? no!"

ennis then noticed the look deucalion's face after he shouted at him, then calmed down his tone. "...sorry."

"much better." deucalion smiles.

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at the argent's household, at the dinner table, the family was having dinner, well, besides the young allison argent, since she was at a friend's house.

"well, this is awfully too quite and awkward!" gerard says, eyeing everyone.

chris looked over at henrik, giving him a judgemental and disapproving stare, henrik avoiding his father's glance.

"no one's awkward." kate says.

"i think we should do something, why don't we invite your friend? that pretty little latina...?" gerard smirks.

kate looks over at her grandfather, clearly unhappy.

"aviva?" chris questions.

henrik scoffs. "why? for you to scare her?"

"come on, what is up with everyone? why can't we invite her?" gerard confusingly asks.

"i don't think that's such a great idea." chris states.

"...why not?" gerard questions.

"don't talk about her, okay? just don't!" henrik snapped, him then dropping a silver fork on the table, then storming away.

gerard then hums. "someone's sensitive."

" it because of her relationship with a senior? or that she's friends with werewolves?" gerard grills.

"some people just find it hard owning up to their mistakes." chris then says, talking about his son.

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"derek says you've been ignoring him."

aviva mccall was sitting by a bench outside the school, during lunch time, by herself, when peter hale joined her.

"...why are you here? didn't you graduate from high school? don't you have a job or something? or is stalking teenagers a daily workout for you?" aviva aggressively pulled out the cap from her highlighter.

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