chapter twenty, monstrous beings

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a phone that was seen vibrating slightly as it moved on the grounds of the cave, the light coming from the phone brightening the darkness that was around the cave.

aviva's dark brown eyes then flickered at the phone screen, heavy breaths passing through her glossed lips, sweat trickling down her body, heart pounding heavily.

a clawed feet was seen stretching, grazing across her back, someone's lips curling up in a smirk. "you're afraid, aren't you? because–––you know you're going to die."

aviva felt a hit of uncomfortableness, feeling claws against her back, a foot pad slightly hovering over her arm, aviva shakily breaths out.

"a-are you–––are you putting your- wait, is that your foot?" aviva shakily whispers, a taunting tone in her voice.

the foot was seen being pulled back, a look of annoyance and frustration in the young woman's dark brown eyes.

"what do you want?" aviva whispers out. "why are you here?"

"i think the correct question is 'what am i', isn't that right?" she smirked.

aviva humored the woman, rolling her eyes. "fine, what are you?"

"the creatures of the night." the woman whispers, smirking at her.

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that same night, out in the woods–––derek hale was seen following after his uncle, him clearly confused on why he's here.

"are you here to stalk me here too?" derek sighs out, giving him an annoyed stare, as he caught up to him.

"well–––fortunately for you, the alphas are going after aviva-." peter smirks.

derek's blue eyes widened in shock. "fo-fortunately? how can that be good?!"

"to strengthen our family pack." peter smirks.

"i wasn't aware that we were recruiting." derek grumpily says.

"look, derek, just think of the positives-." peter tries.


"i suppose the alphas can be persuaded to leave aviva alone and going to paige -."

derek's eyes widening. "th-that doesn't make it easier!"

"but, really, why are you here?" derek then asks.

"aviva's hiding from the alphas, poor girl's freaking out." peter says.

"how do you know that?" derek confusingly asks.

peter scoffs. "because–––she called me."

peter then walks away, derek stopping in his tracks, his brows frowning in confusion, whispering to his self. "why would she call you?"

peter obviously hearing his whisper, stopped walking, smirks at his nephew, not turning around. "because, i am the favorite hale."

peter then continues walking, derek scoffing, rolling his eyes at his uncle.

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henrik argent was seen running through the woods, looking for the mccall girl, him asking a couple of kids, but neither knew where she was.

"where is aviva mccall?" peter asks a fifteen year old boy.

the guy was obviously not knowing who she is, since he doesn't exactly involve his self with her circle. "should i be telling you?"

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