chapter twenty five, fake story

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about seven in the morning, aviva mccall was seen blinking her eyes open, her then stretching her arms whilst sitting up, her then looking around the room, seeing as it wasn't hers, her then frowning in confusion, but then soon realized that she wasn't even home and remembered the reason why.

aviva then turned to look at the clock, her seeing the time.

7:25 A.M

aviva's eyes widened in shock and surprised. "damn it! i'm late!"

aviva then tried to get out of bed, her stumbling out of the bed, falling on the process, her softly groaning out, then quickly getting up, quickly dressing her self to get home.

aviva had quickly thrown her hoodie jacket on her, her then hearing her phone ringing, then clumsily answering it. "h-hello?"

henrik argent, who was walking through the school halls, his phone in his hands, near his ear, was talking with aviva over the phone. "where are you? it's starting."

aviva groans out, struggling with the zipper of the jacket, her deciding not to do anything with it, clearly frustrated. "uh...what?"

"you're coming today, right?" henrik asks.

" car's out in the school's parking lot." aviva lies.

"yeah, well–––." henrik was saying, but then he frowns his brows, hearing shuffling in the background. "wait–––where exactly are you?"

camden had seen aviva standing in front of the window, him making his self close to her, his arms went under her jacket, keeping a strong grip around her body, his fingers grazing across her exposed tan skin, pulling her close, clearly surprising her.

"aviva, aren't you going to come back to bed?"

henrik quickly disconnected the call, him holding the phone in his hands, him then looking down at the phone.

aviva heard the call being disconnected, her then slightly groaning, thinking something's wrong with her phone.

"i have school." aviva says, turning around.

"okay, fine–––but, i'll see you later, okay?" camden says.

"well, you're gonna, um–––have to, uh, let me go, to leave." aviva softly laughs.

"just after this–––." camden says in a soft but low tone, his lips then softly caressed hers, bringing her in for a very slow and passionate kiss, which caused her to kiss him back, then the kiss started to get a little rough, the mccall then breathlessly pulling away. "we don't have that much time cam-." aviva softly smiles.

"shh, don't say anything, just–––." camden whispers against her lips. "enjoy it."

mr. lahey was seen walking up the stairs casually, when aviva mccall was seen rushing at him, the girl almost bumping into him out of the rush she was having.

"oh, woah!"

aviva looks at mr. lahey apologetically, awkwardly laughing. "hey, mr. lahey, i was just–––uh, leaving, i gotta go to school, but, not like this, i gotta home and-." aviva was in the middle of rambling, her cutting herself off. "i'll just leave."

aviva then quickly ran down the stairs.

"hi, aviva." isaac, who was sitting in a corner, doing some kind of drawing, says to the older girl.

"hey, isaac, gotta run." aviva smiles, acknowledging him, then going out the door.

camden was then seen walking down the stairs, a couple minutes later, him then seeing his father and brother looking at him, the lahey confusingly looking at them. "...what?"

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