chapter seven, you will be missed

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"...that guy is your father?"

aviva smiles lightly at camden words, her then shrugging lightly at his words. "wasn't really my choice."

aviva and camden was sitting in the couch in the living room of his house, him smirking at her up and down. " gotta admit he did make a beautiful daughter."

aviva playfully grins. "i give my mother full credit."

"you know---today's my last day being here." camden then seriously says.

"...actually---it's still night." aviva says in a smartass tone, followed by her confusingly blinking at him. "but, where are you going?"

"i told you, remember?" camden reminds.

"that's this month?" aviva feigned dumbness.

"well, are you coming back?" aviva hesitantly asks.

"wait, is the bold aviva mccall going to miss me?" camden smirks.

aviva nods, her pouting at him. "yes, she is."

aviva then quickly went into his arms, hugging him, camden chuckling lightly, returning the gesture, aviva hugs his tightly, as if not wanting to let him go, camden frowning his brows, feeling her grip.

"ava?" camden whispers, her humming response, knowing he's the only one that calls him that name.

aviva deeply frowns her brows, her dark brown eyes showing a spill of an entire set of emotions wanting to escape, her breathlessly sighing out as her chin rested on his shoulder.

"go ahead and cry, it's okay." camden whispers out softly in her ear, a tear threatening to escape.

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"i've been waiting for you." raphael mccall says to his daughter, who had walked in at three in the morning.

a ten year old stiles stilinski, who was spending the night with scott mccall had seen aviva mccall, his eyes lighting up, going to go towards her.

aviva tiredly looks at her father, dropping her bag on the ground, blankly staring at him, sarcastically commenting. "you, here? that's a first."

raphael had noticed aviva went to make a move to walk away, but her gripped onto her arm, stopping her. "wait, i'm not done talking to you." raphael sternly says.

stiles frowns, seeing the scene, looking over at the pained expression in aviva's eyes that was filled as well with anger, while raphael's own was filled with just anger.

"you're hurting her, let go of her, now, raphael." melissa says, swinging her hand away from her daughter.

aviva noticed a bruise forming on her arm, her face wincing in pain.

raphael sighs out, noticing the pained look on his daughter's face. "avi-." aviva just looks angrily at her father, then storming away from him.

"raph? i told you to be there for her, not to hurt her." melissa gave him a firm look.

"i'm trying-." raphael was saying.

"not enough." melissa snapped.

"you can't keep hurting our son and daughter." melissa gave him an angered look.

"hey, aviva-." raphael was saying with a regrettably stare as he daughter walked out of the kitchen, the teen giving him a scowl.

aviva then walked up the stairs, stiles' eyes widened seeing her, him quickly running into scott's room, so she wouldn't see him.

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