chapter twenty two, his return

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weeks ago, a ten year old scott mccall was sitting in the backseat of his father's car, the car parked in the parking spot by the school, his father somewhere outside the car.

raphael mccall was then seen entering inside the car and as he did, his phone was seen lighting up, scott's dark brown eyes then seeing his father's phone, his father quickly picking up, the younger mccall briefly seeing what was the screen.

there was an emoji of an eggplant, cherry and three specks of water.

"what is that?" scott innocently asks.

raphael stammers nervously. "nothing!"


"ye-yeah, um, your sister loves cherries, remember?" raphael nervously says.

"and that other thing?" scott scrunched up his face. "and the water?"

"heh, you ask a lot of questions." raphael anxiously smiles.

"and–––veronica? who's veronica?" scott noticed someone's name on the message sent part."

"is she one of your hoes?" scott innocently and bluntly asks.

raphael widened his eyes, looking at his youngest. "boy..."

scott shrugs. "i hear aviva talking."

raphael sighs out, fakely smiling. "well, let's go home, shall we?"

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"...i was the one that told mom, why'd you make dad believe that it was you?" scott frowns, a look of guilt in his eyes.

"it doesn't matter, scott." aviva sighs out, fixing her clothes as she was in her room.

"it does-." scott was saying.

"and where did you even that word?" aviva raised a brow at him.

"from you." scott says.

aviva frowns her brows at him confusingly. "...when?"

"when we were at the park one day and you was talking to one of your friends, you said that she's not worth even a piece of gum under your shoe and that she's a piece of sh-." scott was reminding her.

aviva quickly cuts him off. "okay! i remember! i remember, scott, okay?"

"and she's not my friend, okay?" aviva says a little harsh. "she's just-." aviva soon allowed anger to control her, her then calming down, scott staring at her, aviva then smiling at him. "we gotta get to school, okay?"

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inside math class, derek hale was seen sitting in front of paige krasikeva, next to the teenage hale was aviva mccall, who was looking out a window.

paige's eyes then noticed marks on the back of aviva's tanned ankle, her then looking at her boyfriend, who just confusingly looks at her.

"look at the back of her ankle." paige whispers.

derek's eyes then looks at aviva's ankle, seeing these faded claw marks, it wasn't deep, but it was visible.

derek then felt a smack on his shoulder, him then looking at one of his friends–––jessy, clearly startled.

"checking out another girl while your girlfriend is right there?" jessy smirks.

"but, her legs are pretty hot, i gotta admit." jessy smirks, derek sarcastically smiling at him. "funny."

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