chapter forty six, the rescue

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a house was seen emerged into a set of dangerous dangerous dark red flames, the sound of the flames roaring all through the house, frantic screams and shouts was heard coming from all around the house.

a figure was seen standing within  far distance, away from the house as they saw the chaos enfolded, nervousness, shock and surprise clear in the person's dark brown eyes.

getting a close look outside the fiery house, a pair of fair skinned hands was seen weakly grabbing onto the entrance, fingernails gripping onto the outside, tiredly crawling out of the house, some escaping from the house, the guy's hair all tracked with dirt.

peter's face twisted in pain, black color smeared over hands and slightly on his face, his face which were covered with burns.


peter blinks his eyes tightly, recognizing the voice, him then feeling a warm hand touching his shoulder, the older hale becoming anger and slightly panic at the sight of her.

"what the hell are you doing here? are you trying to get yourself killed? get out of here!" peter lowly growls painfully but angrily.

aviva had a look of stubbornness in her dark brown eyes. "no, i'm not leaving you."

aviva then raised her hand, her fingers hovering over peter's slightly burned face from the fire, her fingers slowly moving to touch his face, but the hale could slightly feel her touch, him pulling back whilst wincing slightly.

aviva clearly understood that he was in pain, even though he didn't say it. "sorry..."

"okay, i'm going to take you to the hospital, my mom works there, she'll help you." aviva quickly says with a gentle smile.

peter, not wanting to comply to her idea, glows his golden eyes at her, growling lowly at her. "leave."

aviva blankly stares at peter. "you don't scare me, hale, now, put those glow sticks away."

peter stares at her in amusement and surprise, him blinking his golden eyes at her, then it switched back to his normal human eyes.

peter then sighs out, reluctantly letting her help him, aviva happily smiles at him.

"stubborn little mccall." peter mumbles quietly.

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that same night, the argent's was seen hustling around the car, shoving their stuff inside the car, getting ready to leave this town, which henrik honestly had no clue about.

"why are we leaving if their house is on fire?"

"just don't think about it, son, get inside the car." gerard says in a sickly sweet tone.

"what about allison?" henrik looks over at his aunt.

"we'll pick her up on our way." kate reassures, her then gesturing for him to go in the car with her eyes.

henrik sighs out, hesitant about leaving.

"henrik? car?" gerard says over to his grandson.

henrik then looks over at him. "oh! right!"

henrik then opened the door, him going into the car, then closing the door.

"dad? there's something i should tell you, i did something bad, like really bad, but, you know–––it sorta feels good." henrik says with a shrug, him then noticing the look he was getting from his father. "...b-but, i know nothing bad should feel good."

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