chapter twenty four, spoil little girl

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riding through a back road in a part of beacon hills, there were two pairs of bike tires–––one that belonged to paige, and the other that belonged to aviva, both then parking their bikes in a corner.

both girls then went into a shop, then outside was a familiar dark haired girl, whom was looking at paige's bike, a smirk gracing her features.

aviva was the first to come out of the shop, her then seeing a girl touching paige's bike, getting ready to climb on it.

"hey! get the hell off of my friend's bike!" aviva calls out.

the girl scoffing with an amused smile. "should i?"

"yes, you should." aviva seethes.

the dark haired girl, sonya, then got off of the bike, looking at the latina.

sonya cooed tauntingly. "aw, sweetie–––you don't have to be worried about me stealing."

"aviva." paige says from behind her.

aviva then sighs out, going to walk towards the bikes.

the dark haired girl scoffs, taunting her. "i mean, i'm not like you people."

aviva stopped in her tracks, her eyes glancing at the ground, slowly turning to look at sonya, her raising a brow at her. "my people?"

"yeah, i mean, it's what you do, don't you? no wonder there's either your kind being arrested, am i right?" sonya smirks.

aviva scoffs, furiously looking at her up and down. "oh, you are so white trash."

"what did you just say to me?" sonya angrily asks.

aviva smugly smirks. "you heard what i said..." aviva angrily looks at her. "fucking racist."

"aviva, let's just leave it, okay?" paige says, her eyes then glancing at a knife that was strapped onto sonya's belt.

paige then grabbed onto aviva's hand, pulling her away, the dark haired girl was seen coming from behind, paige then swiftly turning around, punching her on her face, the girl stumbling backwards, holding onto her bleeding nose, aviva blinking at her in surprise.

paige then breaths out, turning back around, can't believe what just happened, aviva placing an arm around her shoulder with a happy smile.

aviva then felt herself being shoved forward, stumbling forward, a knife then being stabbed into the brunette's chest.

"paige!!!" aviva's voice screams, her voice echoing through the area, then soon sounding muffled, a tear slipping from her ear.

aviva then furiously looking at sonya, but then heard a gunshot sound flying through the road, sonya then falling on aviva, aviva furiously shoving sonya away from her, making her land on the ground, blood ending up on her hands.

"you just shoved her so heartlessly, what is wrong with you? you could've helped her." one of sonya's friends stares at aviva in shock.

aviva's eyes turning cold. "your bitch killed my best friend, why should i care about her?"

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"that girl has a wild imagination." peter says to derek as they were in the hale cellar at night.

"and she barely spared a glance at me–––she probably thinks it's my fault." derek says in guilt.

peter scoffs. "why do you care what she thinks, even more?"

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