chapter nine, the code

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a test paper was seen being slammed on a desk, a hand pressed onto the paper, aviva's dark brown eyes casted down at the paper, the person's fingers blocking the words on the paper.

aviva's eyes slowly looked up at her history teacher, the teacher disappointingly looking down at the short haired latina.

"profoundly disappointed, aviva." mrs. samuels says.

"well–––i would know what is the problem if your fingers wasn't blocking the words." aviva says in a sassy tone.

the teacher just looks at her, removing her hands from the paper, aviva then looking at her paper, seeing a C+, aviva sighs out, her lips curling in a saddened smile.

aviva then shrugs, then placing a smile on her face. "i upped my grade a little, don't you think?"

mrs. samuels raised a brow at the girl, then going towards the other students.

aviva leans over at paige, seeing the fair skinned with an A+ on her paper, the latina huffing out extremely sad.

"damn girl, you need to study." paige jokes.

aviva sighs out sadly, looking down at her paper, mumbling quietly. "i know..."

paige placed an affectionate hand on aviva's shoulder. "i was joking, vivi, it's okay, you know, it's okay to fail to something? i mean, it's just one class."

"it's not only history, it's chemistry as well." aviva sighs out.

"what about econ?" paige asks curiously.

"i like econ, that's mr. finstock class, i like him, he's cool." aviva's eyes lit up.

"okay, we can study tonight, i'll help you." paige offers.

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the bell was then heard ringing, aviva and paige going to make their way out of class, when mrs. samuels stepped in front of them.

"you're blocking me, and i have bio." aviva tries to be polite.

mrs. samuels nods. "and how do you do in biology?"

"perfect." aviva smiles.

"you know, aviva–––if you concentrate more on your failing classes just like on your other classes, you'll pass as well." mrs. samuels suggests.

aviva sighs out, letting out a sassy remark. "i would–––if it was as half as interesting, i hate lecture, i even block out my father's lectures."

paige slightly nudging her, the latina looking at her with a WHAT look.

"your father? is it because of him that you're failing?" mrs. samuels curiously asks.

"...and, you're prying." aviva sighs out.

"look, aviva, i don't know what's going on with you, you used to be my top student, so–––here's what we're going to do, i'm going to assign you a tutor." mrs. samuels then says.

aviva smiles brightly, hooking her arm around paige. "i found her."

"oh, no, no, someone that you're not familiar with..." mrs. samuels says, taking aviva's hand away from paige, making the girl frown. "because, i think that you'll be distracted by your own friends."

aviva shook her head, childishly commenting. "nuh uh."

", you really think it's a good idea to-." paige concerningly asks.

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