chapter twenty seven, emotions makes you weak

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arrows was seen falling near someone's feet, a hand was seen throwing down the crossbow on the ground, henrik argent was seen dropping his self on a low part of the hill, a glum expression on his face, finding it hard to be focused, when there's only one thing on his mind.

more like only one person.

henrik argent's grandfather, gerard argent was standing by a tree, his arms crossed over his chest, focusing on his grandson's behavior.

"try again." gerard says.

henrik groans, clearly not feeling like he wanted to continue, him shaking his head. "i-i don't---i don't think i can."

gerard just looks at him. "you can't, or you won't?"

henrik sighs out, standing up. "i just---i don't want to do this today, my head's not really into it."

"who is it?" gerard sighs out.

henrik surprisingly looks at him. "...i'm sorry?"

"i know how you high school kids are, i am not your father, i am your grandfather, so, tell me who's the person that you're depressing yourself over." gerard states, reassuring him.

henrik stayed silent, choosing not to say anything.

gerard amusingly stares at him. "tell me the girl's name---...or the boy's name."

henrik rolls his eyes, smiling lightly. "it's a girl, grandpa." henrik deeply exhales. "her name's aviva, aviva mccall."

"what's the problem?" gerard questions.

henrik shrugs, him becoming sad. "i don't think she likes me, i thought she did."

"is that the same aviva mccall that ophelia described to be as A BROKEN MESS?" gerard questions.

"...when you say it, you make it sound like she's a terrible person, she's honestly really sweet." henrik awkwardly says, defending her.

"henrik---forget about her, move on, okay-." gerard was advising.

henrik then cuts him off. "because she might actually like me if i act like i am moving on?"

gerard sighs out with a smile, which soon then disappeared. "no, because, emotions makes one weak, if you're overtaken by these emotions, you won't be able to concentrate on the situation at hand."

"getting justice for your cousin." gerard adds.

henrik forced a smile, then weakly nodding. "i-i understand..."

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derek hale was walking on the sidewalk, nearby the car shop, when kate argent had purposely bumped into him, him naively thinking it was an accidental.

"we meet again, handsome, you know---if we meet a third time, it's counted as a charm, possibly, a connection between us." kate smirks.

"well, i was, um, just going somewhere..." derek awkwardly laughs, him lightly blushing at the sight of her.

kate placed her index finger on his lips, his blue eyes staring at her like a deer in headlights, kate then laughing. "so adorable."

kate then walks away, derek hesitantly calling after her. "i, uh---i'll see you again...?"

kate smirks, stopping in her tracks, turning to look at him with a flirtatious wink. "not if i see you first."

derek slightly blushed, smiling at her shyly, kate smirking at him.

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