chapter twenty nine, the heartbeat

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inside the classroom of chemistry, mr. harris was seen standing in front his desk, looking at the class, his blue eyes eyeing aviva mccall, who seemed out of it, her face on her palm, her eyes tiredly looking around.

mr. harris was oddly concerned, since she wasn't throwing any insults around, she just seemed–––blah.

the mccall barely paying attention to anyone or anything.

the school bell was heard coming from the corner of a wall, loudly ringing, signalling that school was finally over.

"okay, everyone, that's the school bell, that means, it's time to go home and disappoint your parents, off you go." mr. harris says as everyone stood up.

mr. harris glanced at aviva as she was going outside, him then walking her back, the girl then turning around, a blank expression clear in her eyes.


"are you okay?" mr. harris asks.

aviva looks at mr. harris, not saying anything, as if she clearly wasn't in the mood.

"i know you may think i hate you-." mr. harris was saying.

"you do." aviva states.

"i don't hate you, you irritate me." mr. harris says.

aviva boredly rolls her eyes. "and you make me sick." aviva dryly says.

"are you trying to get detention, ms. mccall?" mr. harris questions.

"no, i, uh, i really feel sick." aviva had a nauseous expression on her face.

mr. harris frowns, but, then he felt a wet substance falling on his shoes, splattering on his pants, him deeply exhaling in annoyance.

aviva's eyes widened in shock and nervousness. "i-i'm so sorry-."

mr. harris angrily smiles at her. "it's okay."

"no, no, i really am sorry, i didn't mean to do that, the entire day i've been feeling so sick, vomiting everytime, i can't even concentrate." aviva rambles, a tear being formed in her eye.

aviva then touched near her ear, feeling a tear, then looking at her finger in confusion. "...and, i'm crying..."

"and, that's what guidance counselor's there for and so is your mother." mr. harris says with a fake smile.

"you may go now." mr. harris angrily says.

aviva awkwardly looks at the man, then going to leave, but then turned to look at him. " really do make me sick."

mr. harris irritably looks at her. "would you leave?"

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in the evening time, aviva mccall was sitting on a low hill in a part of the woods, thinking if she inhale the air that corrupted the woods she'll feel a little better, since she always enjoys spending most of her time in the woods.

"i knew i'd find you here." peter was seen sitting next to her.

"stalker boy." aviva smiles tiredly.

"stalker boy? that's funny." peter scoffs amused.

aviva looks at him. "is–––is there something you want?"

"i want you to do something for me, a friend to friend favor, i can't be at the school, so, i want you to keep a watch on derek." peter suggests.

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