chapter thirty eight, blame it on me

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after three in the evening, the time that school would normally be over–––derek hale had entered inside his house, peter hale coming straight for him, a serious expression on his face, derek looking at his uncle, thinking he had done something wrong, his bag dropping from his shoulders, nervously looking at him.

" there something wrong?" derek hesitantly asks.

"i think we need to talk." peter says.

derek sighs out, him recalling what happened at school, missing the sight of aviva mccall, which was strange for him, when he knows that she is always present at school, while henrik had a different vibe about him.

henrik had a vibe as if he didn't miss aviva, a very weird vibe, when he knows how much henrik likes her, and now he is acting as though he could care less about her.

derek tiredly looks at him. "i don't have time to talk, i was planning on going to check on aviva."

peter sighs out. "i'm sure she's fine."

"no, something happened at the school and-." derek was saying.

peter sighs out, giving him an irritated look. "get it through your thick skull, aviva doesn't want you, not anymore, you lost your chance-."

"i don't mean it like that! i-i'm just concerned-." derek was saying.

"and, i'm sure aviva could care less about your concern, she can take care of herself, besides–––she has camden-." peter was saying.

"he left, he's going to another country to war-." derek was saying, but then cut his self off as he saw the look peter was giving him, derek shrugging at him, glancing at him. "what? it's just something i overheard."

peter raised a brow at him, derek sighing out.

"o-okay, i was passing by and heard her saying that she doesn't want him to leave and him agreeing with her." derek then says.

"you got yourself some older mysterious woman and you're spying on the girl who had a crush on you since the fourth grade? the girl whose having a baby with another guy?" peter amusingly looks at him.

derek scoffs. "what do you mean, HAD? how are you so sure it still isn't there?"

peter rolls his eyes. "look!" peter then sighs out. "derek, about this woman–––i really think if henrik's telling the truth-."

"he's not." derek snapped.

peter ignored his attitude. "don't be naive."

"i am not the naive one! the naive one is the one i want to see!" derek raised his voice.

"you already saw her today, spying on her and everything." peter reminds.

"no, you're not listening! i didn't see her today, that was a couple months aback, since the last time i saw her at school and everyone's talking about–––." derek frustratedly explains, him doing a pregnant motion with his stomach. "you know..."

"and when was the last time you saw her?" peter questions.

"the last time i saw her was the last time i saw her, which was a couple months ago–––i thought i just said that?" derek impatiently asks.

"then, let's go see her." peter gestures.

derek frowning at him in confusion and surprise. "y-you're coming too?"

peter scoffs, giving him an obvious look. "obviously, i mean, i am the better and favourite hale."

derek rolls his eyes, groaning at him, then walking out of the house, peter following after him.

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