chapter twenty three, death in the cellar

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at night time, in the lahey's garage–––a pair of dark brown eyes flickered down, their eyes then looking in front of 'em, a fair skinned finger was seen touching under the latina's eye, him then pulling his finger away, feeling something unnatural on her skin.

aviva's heart pounds anxiously, her eyes nervously looking nervously at camden, him rubbing his finger pads together, seeing a stain of make up on his fingers, him then slowly looking over at the girl.

"foundation? since when do you wear make up?" camden asks.

"i don't! sure you didn't swipe your hand somewhere else?" aviva nervously says.

"all, right, i should go home now." aviva nervously smiles, hoping he didn't see under her eyes.

"aviva, i'm not here for long, and i'd really hope that you don't lie to me–––." camden gave her a look.

aviva sighs out, just looking at him, refusing to say anything.

"it's okay, aviva, it really is, don't tell me." camden softly says, aviva sighing out in relief, camden then smiling. "i'll do it myself."

camden then reached over using her finger to try and get rid of the rest of makeup, disregarding her protest.

"aviva..." camden says, looking at the cut under her eye.

"i-it's not a big deal." aviva shrugs.

"n-not a big deal?" camden scoffs.

"i dug myself under my eye, it happens." aviva lies.

"sweetheart? the next time you want hide a bruise on your face, cover the entire face."

"no one hit me!" aviva tries to say.

"and you're lying again." camden says.

camden was then seen getting on his bike, aviva confusingly looking at him. "wh-wait–––where are you going?"

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raphael mccall was sitting on the porch stairs that same night, him deciding on what to tell aviva about last night, even though he's upset that she told about him.

raphael then sighs out, him then getting up, walking up the stairs, going to door, while aviva was seen walking on the front lawn, her seeing her father on the door step, her eyes looking at him, raphael was going to open the door, but then he saw the reflection of his daughter with her hands in front of her through the glass door.

raphael then turns around, him seeing his daughter in front of him. "...aviva."

"what are you going here?" aviva questions.

"well, i'm here to see you, and where were you?" raphael questions.

"why? are you going to throwing your whiskey bottle at me?" aviva sarcastically smiles.

raphael then saw a familiar motorbike, him then seeing someone standing by the bike, scoffing out.

"i should've known the reason why you're coming home late." rahael says in annoyance.

"do you really care?" aviva blankly says.

"i don't think you should've come back here." camden then sighs out.

aviva then looks over at camden. "i thought you left."

"aviva, get in the house." raphael tiredly says.

camden took a hold of her hand. "she isn't going anywhere."

"guys..." aviva pleads.

aviva then soon got a message, her then taking out her phone, seeing it was a message from paige.

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