chapter thirty seven, seven months

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inside the principal's office, at the high school–––that same day, camden lahey and aviva mccall was sitting in front of the principal, the lahey with a care less expression on his face, a blank expression in his eyes, whilst aviva pulled her black sweater, to try and make it seem like she wasn't hiding anything, even though she was.

the principal looks in between both teens, the lahey looking right into the principal's eyes, clearly making him uncomfortable, aviva awkwardly smiling at the principal.

the principal awaited on a response from any one of them, but neither seemed like they were making a move to say anything.

the principal sighs out loudly, frustratedly slamming a file on the table. "so, neither of you are going to say anything?"

"what's there to say?" camden questions.

the principal scoffs in disbelief, sarcastically commenting. "i don't know! how about the fact that you sent a sophomore into a hospital!"

camden sighs out, his chest heaving up then slowly going down. "...he isn't dead, right?"

the principal stares at camden in frustration. "that's your concern?"

"shouldn't it be? i mean, i'm concern if he's dead, i'm not that heartless." camden smiles.

"okay, how about we talk about the blood that's stained across the floors...?" the principal asks.

"it isn't that hard to clean it up, though, just gotta scrub in the right places, but seeing as the type of person he is, guess it's gonna be hard, tough luck, though." camden shrugs.

aviva let out a laugh, the principal looking over at the latina. "this isn't a laughing matter, ms. mccall." the principal sternly says, aviva awkwardly clearing her throat, mumbling quietly. "sorry..."

"all right..." camden sighs out, him then wrapping an arm around aviva's shoulder, him pulling her close to him. "i was trying to defend her, does that make me a bad person?" camden ran his fingers across her neck.

aviva look up at camden, him looking down at her, her smiling at him. "and, i am grateful for that."

camden smirks the famous lahey smirk at her. "anything for you." camden then placed a kiss against her neck.

"okay..." the principal sighs out, trying to catch their attention, but failed so hard.

", i have to decide if i should call your parents or the police." the principal then informs.

they both then quickly looks at him, eyes widened, expressions matching each other. "the police!"

the principal pulls backwards, strangely staring at them both, lightly shaking his head.

"please, go home, both of you." the principal then sighs out tiredly.
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a good couple months has passed by quickly for the ones that resides in the small town of beacon hills.

everyone having to deal with their own situations.

aviva and camden, trying their best to deal with everything, aviva still trying to keep her stress and worried level on a down low as of her mother finding out anything soon, the teen latina hasn't heard or seen her father since four months ago since they had an argument and additional to the three months.

derek still in a close relationship with henrik's aunt, who derek didn't want to believe was a hunter from henrik, thinking he was just lying.

peter not knowing who's actually his nephew's interest, but, if only he knew, all he had gotten from aviva was that she's one of those older seductive blonde victimizing younger boys' looking type.

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