chapter twenty six, blue is just pretty

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aviva was seen sitting by herself outside the highschool, sitting by a bench, her placing a fry boredly in her mouth, when derek had came next to her, internally irritating her.

"i know you want to roll your eyes so hard." derek smirks.

aviva groans, looking at the hale teenager. "why are you tormenting me?"

"sorry for brightening up your gloomy day." derek sarcastically says.

aviva squints her eyes at derek, finding him oddly happy. "...why are you happy? you never are happy."

"i am very happy, okay? like very." derek defended.

aviva scoffs. "sure, you are."

"especially since my best friend died a couple weeks ago, that's a feeling of happiness, isn't it?" aviva sarcastically smiles, derek heartbrokenly staring at her.

"why are you not unhappy?" aviva questions.

"um, uh...not everyone asks that question, they'll be like 'you should be happy' or-." derek awkwardly clears his throat.

"why are you so happy?" aviva confusingly asks.

"aviva, look–––while paige was dying in my arms...she wanted me to tell you–––to tell you that she loved you." derek nervously whispers.

aviva smiles genuinely, thinking about paige, both derek and aviva then smiling at each other.

aviva's smile then turned into a frown, derek confusingly looking at her. "wh-what? is something..."

"we were having a moment, and it was making me queasy." aviva shudders.

derek rolling his eyes at her attitude.

"i know paige loved me and i did love her as well, but, the night before that happened–––she told me already, but, i think it's something else she wanted to tell me." aviva says.

derek frowns his brows confusingly. "like what?"

"like something about henrik, she never liked him and there has to be reason why she didn't." aviva then says, getting up.

"hey! i also didn't like him." derek voiced out.

"yeah, but–––that's just you." aviva shrugs.

"i think henrik is really nice, derek, he really is, and i do like him, but-." aviva was saying, derek cutting her off. "you realized he is a dick? yeah, you shouldn't like people like that."

derek then scoffs, remembering someone. "but, i can see that you've involved with a smug smirking overconfident guy that enjoys putting people down, don't understand it exactly."

aviva scoffs. "yeah, well, i used to-." aviva was in the middle of confessing, but then cut herself off.

derek confusingly looks at her. "used to what?"

"it doesn't matter now, anyways, it really doesn't, to you or him, or to anyone." aviva shrugs, then walking away.

derek confusingly frowns, whispering to herself. "wonder what that was all about...?"

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"what, i'm just keeping an eye on  my favorite nephew."

kate argent, who had joined her nephew by the high school, him sitting on the steps, noticed the silent judging look he was sending her.

"i'm your only nephew." henrik flatly says.

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