chapter five, a little taste

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"you're grounded!"

aviva gasps at her mother words, scoffing in disbelief, that same evening. "what? no, you can't do that."

melissa placed her hands on her hips, raising a brow at her. "oh, yes, i can, i'm grounding you."

"no more computer-." melissa laid down on a rule, but quickly got cut off.

"i sorta need it for school." aviva comments.

melissa deeply exhales. "fine, no tv."

aviva shrugs lightly. "that's okay, i got my phone."

"and that means no phone." melissa smugly says.

aviva smiles. "ha! my phone's broken."

melissa sighs out, looking at her daughter. "avi-."

"and you can't take away the car from me, since i have none and my bike is probably out there somewhere." aviva grins at her mother.

"aviva...what's wrong with you? is this about your father? derek? talk to me." melissa pleads with her.

"why are you doing this to me? i've never been grounded before." aviva pouts confusingly, ignoring her question.

"no, no, don't give me that look, and you're lucky i'm just grounding you for one week and not the whole year." melissa smiles, then walking away.

aviva groans, following after her mother. "mom..."

melissa then turns around to look at her daughter. "and why didn't you tell me you got a D on chemistry?" melissa then mumbles to her self. "it's your first bad grade in chem, so, i'll let it pass."

aviva's eyes then lit up. "o-oh, you see, i can explain that-."

"mr. harris hates you?" melissa questions, giving her a look.


"he hates everyone! but, expect for ophelia, you know–––i bet they're in-." aviva was saying in a gossip tone.

"oh my god, aviva! go take a shower and get ready for dinner, okay?" melissa widened her eyes, knowing exactly where this conversation was going.

aviva then quietly says. "i'm just saying..."

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aviva mccall was lying on her bed at night, her fluttering her legs in the air, a bored look in her dark brown eyes, her fingers fiddling with the buttons on her flannel shirt that she had on over her strap top.



a voice whisper shouts, the latina looking around with a confused frown, her then getting up from the bed, then going towards her window, her then seeing a familiar figure outside her window on a bike, her staring at him with a confused smile.

aviva then slid up her window, her smiling down at him. "what are you doing here?"

camden smirks, gesturing for her to come with him.

aviva shrugging. "i'm grounded."

camden then gave her a look, as if encouraging her, aviva seemed hesitant, her eyes then glancing around, then a smile graced across her features, her eyes lighting up.

camden saw aviva moving away from the window, her not being around for a couple of seconds, then he got off of his bike, waiting for her, then he saw her climbing out of her window quietly, her then closing in her window, her climbing down the walls.

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