chapter thirty nine, erase the pain

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"aviva, can you hear me? give me a signal."

"aviva, pay attention to me, concentrate!"

"focus, aviva!"

peter's voice sounded muffled into the ears of aviva, her standing in the middle of an empty space, her dark brown eyes glancing around, the sound of her heart fearfully thumping through her ribcage, her feeling like everything was slowly closing in.

"aviva, calm down, okay? we c-." a woman with dark brown hair and green eyes gently touched the young teen's shoulder.

aviva swiftly turns around, looking at laura hale, derek's older sister in surprise and anger. "you can't help me."

"aviva–––just calm do-." laura tries.

"no! i-i can't brea-breath, someone–––something..." aviva struggles out to say, her swallowing harshly, her pressing her palms forward.

"i will help you, i am a werewolf, i can have a lock on his scent." laura tries to comfort her.

"no, no, i-i have to- i have to do this myself." aviva stammers out, her walking backwards, stumbling as she did.

her then running out of the house, disregarding the calls that were echoing through her ears.

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hours earlier, peter hale was driving through the roads of beacon hills, him throwing his phone in the backseat towards derek hale, who was literally freaking out.

"wh-what am i supposed to do with this?" derek panicked.

"call laura." peter says.

aviva frowns her brows, with confusion and pain. "who is laura?"

"my niece."

"call her." peter impatiently says to his nephew.

"um, uh–––." derek nervously says, him quickly dialing his sister's number.

laura was inside the hale house, her doing some arranging, when she had gotten a call from derek, her staring at the phone then answering him.

"hello." laura answers in a singy tone.

derek looks over at aviva, who seemed tired as hell, him then getting back to the call, him in a complete panic state, breaths sounding heavy. "could you get to that secret place?"

laura frowns her brows in confusion. "is something wrong?"

"c-can you just get there? can't really explain everything, having a baby! just get here as quick as you can!" derek then hung up the call.

laura then taking the phone away from her ear. "derek's having a baby...?" laura had a strange expression on her face.

"as the generation grows, so does the mental ability of these kids." laura mumbles with a sigh.

"aviva, are you ok-." derek was asking the girl, who seemed so tired.

derek then felt aviva's hand holding onto his, her head being rested on his shoulder, surprising him, his blue blinking at her.

peter softly chuckles, smirking at derek's expression.

"please, don't, don't go away..." aviva whispers quietly, her eyes closed.

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