chapter thirty five, baby coyote

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inside principal wallace's office, stiles and his father, as well jackson and his father, stiles looked down at his fingers, jackson fidgeting in his seat as the principal was talking with their parents.

stiles smiles sheepishly at his father, as she looked up at him.

"o-okay, in my defensive–––jackson was running after me!" stiles stammers out a response.

jackson scoffs. "he pushed me off a chair!"

"you were being bratty." stiles defensively says.

jackson crossed his arms over his chest. "i want a restraining order."

"drama queen." stiles rolls his eyes.

jackson glares at the stiles, anger in his eyes.

"okay, l-look, i may have used aviva's advice in a different way." stiles mumbles.

"okay, okay, i won't get myself into trouble, i promise." stiles then says to the principal, the principal giving him a look.

jackson scoffs, knowing that stiles could never keep that promise. "of course you won't."

"mr. stilinski? you believe this?" principal wallace questions.

deputy stilinski deeply exhales, him slightly shaking his head. "i haven't believe a word that stiles had said since he learned to talk."

stiles gaped at his father, his whiskey colored eyes widening at him, an offensive look on his face.

stiles then scoffs offensively, sarcastically commenting. "well, thanks dad."

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the next morning, the baby coyote from a month ago that aviva mccall had met was standing on its four baby paws outside the house, that was the same little creature that she had met again two nights ago with scott and stiles.

aviva was sitting on her bed, her legs hanging on her bed, her back turned to the window, that was slightly opened, her slightly rocking her head back and forth as she listened to some music, whilst highlighting in a book.

the same baby coyote that was outside the house was seen crawling under the window, going in between the small space, her then softly jumping down.

the baby coyote then used its little paws to hold onto the edge of the bed, her little claws gripping onto the bed, pushing her body forward, then landing on the bed.

aviva was still in her sitting position, the baby coyote tip-toed its way towards the human latina, aviva's eyes widened in surprise, feeling something furry caressing her skin, her taking out the ear pods, her slightly jumping back and letting out an alarming scream as she saw the baby coyote, who stares up at her with innocent doe eyes.

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melissa mccall, who was getting ready to go to work, her fixing her dark green scrubs with blue ocean colored flowers imprinted on them, heard a scream coming from her daughter, grew concerned.

"aviva? baby?" melissa calls out.

aviva looks at the baby coyote, then looking outside, her stammering out a response. "um, y-yeah, i'm fine."

melissa sighed out, her then making her way to the front door, going to open it.

"mal? how'd you find me? how'd you know where i live?" aviva whispers in surprise.

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