chapter three, the new guy

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the school's principal was seen walking inside the chemistry classroom, a fair skinned guy with ocean blue sparkling eyes was seen reluctantly walking behind the principal, an expression that says he wanted to be anywhere else than here.

"okay–––class? this is henrik argent, who moved all the way from san fransisco, and i hope you give him a warm welcome, and hopefully this will be his last stop." the principal introduced.

"there you go..." the principal nods over to a few empty seats.

henrik walks through a couple of rows, him taking a seat behind aviva mccall.

"okay, now let's take a step backwards from what we were talking about yesterday and could anyone remind us? let's start with–––." mr. harris says, his blue eyes trailing throughout the entire class.

the man's eyes then stopped onto aviva, who had her legs folded together as she was seated on the chair, a bored look on her face, the man frustratedly staring at her, hissing at her. "aviva mccall–––who is barely paying attention!"

"aviva!" the man shouts.

aviva slowly looks at the man. "yes...?"

"can you give me an answer?" mr. harris questions.

aviva confusingly frowns. "to what?"

"to the question i was asking." mr. hissed in frustration.

"and that would be?" aviva smiles.

"...were you listening?" mr. harris' face turned red.

aviva happily smiles. "well, i am."

mr. harris' face twitched, looking to another student.

"he looks constipated, doesn't he?" aviva whispers to paige, who was next to her.

"aviva!" mr. harris calls out.

"yes, mr. harris!" aviva jokingly calls back.

"oh, he looks angry." paige lowly whispers.

"ms. mccall and ms. krasikeva, stop talking!" mr. harris fumes.

aviva rolls her eyes. "drama queen."

"oh, damn! i so am not ready for this day, i forgot a pen, not like i was planning on going." henrik mumbles from behind the latina.

aviva tilts her head, hearing the whisper that was behind her, the girl's dark brown eyes looking at one of the pen that was on her desk.

henrik was seen placing his bag on his table, him then noticing a black pen in front of him, clearly surprising him.

henrik strangely stares at the girl, slowly taking the pen from her. "...thanks?"

aviva smiles with a shrug. "i heard you needing a pen."

henrik's blue eyed widened at her, hoping she isn't what he think she is. "you did?"

"yeah, i have super-sensitive hearing, like a wolf!" aviva jokingly says with a small laugh.

henrik slightly tensed up. "y-you're joking, right?"

aviva pushed him lightly by his shoulder, softly laughing. "of course, i am."

aviva then turned around, the latina noticing her best friend, raising a brow at her, clearly confusing her. "...what?"

henrik sighs out in relief, him then smiling at her, feeling a warmth feeling in his heart.

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