chapter thirty two, secret keeper

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as the morning has escaped through the darkness, the light of the sun was seen shining through the curtains of a bedroom, the light shining on the tan skin of aviva.

aviva's eyes then opening, the light shinning in her eyes, her eyes sparkling due to the light, the girl slightly groans, feeling the sun hurting her eyes, shinning so deep.

a pair of strong fair skinned hands was wrapped around her body, keeping her close, camden's head resting in her neck, his curly hair all messy.

aviva then tried to turn around, even when he was sleeping he still kept a strong lock around her, as if not wanting to let her go.

aviva then slightly turned around, her sitting up, looking at camden's sleeping face, her fingers hovering over his face, her then going to touch his face, but then felt him grabbing onto her wrist.

aviva's eyes stares at him in shock, her then smiling at him. "oh! you're awake."

"come on, stay with me a little longer." camden pulls her back down, making her lay on top of him.

one of camden's arms was around her neck, and the other around her waist.

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"okay–––let me tell you something that your iq will be able to handle." peter sighs out tiredly, looking at his nephew.

derek was seen placing his bag on a table in the living room at the hale house, him then looking over at his uncle, obviously offended by his words.

"the girl is in love with you." peter says.

derek blinks his blue eyes at his uncle, clearly surprised. "...she loves me?"

"okay, look, there are two different kinds of people in this world, especially when it comes to love." peter then says. "there are ones who never acted on their feelings since they see how happy their crush is with someone else, and the other is like an obsessive type, they'll do whatever to keep them, and most of the time–––they don't want them, but, enjoys the idea of that person disability to live without them."

peter sighs out, rolling his eyes, seeing as derek just stares at him.

"take it this way, girl falls in love boy, but boy falls for the girl's best friend and girl sees how happy the best friend and boy crush is together and choose to let them be happy and shows her true feelings by being mean and hateful towards boy to try and forget about him." peter explains.

"...and, just to clarify–––i'm the BOY and aviva's the GIRL?" derek confusingly asks.

"no, absolutely not." peter sarcastically smiles.

"well–––it doesn't really matter anymore." derek shrugs, remembering the heart he was hearing a few days ago.

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inside the school's library, aviva mccall was seen reading a book, her having a hand on her face, her dark brown eyes boredly looking at the words.

someone was seen entering inside the library, the person then looking at aviva, walking towards her.

aviva was seen flipping through the pages, her sighing out, the chair was seen moving in front of aviva, her barely acknowledging their presence, continued flipping through the pages.

"page turner?"

aviva slowly looks up, seeing derek smiling in front of her, a look of annoyance in her eyes, her sarcastically smiling. "annoying hyperactive werewolf."

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