chapter thirty, daddy? i love him

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"come on." camden held onto aviva's hand, walking her out of the kitchen, towards his father.

aviva reluctantly walking, trying to plant her feet onto the ground, completely hesitant. "i don't think it's such a good idea, your father-."

"hey, it's okay, come on." camden soothes, aviva sighing out, nervously following him.

"doesn't appreciate what he did." mr. lahey glances at his older son, who sighs out, scoffing inaudibly.

"but, appreciates what he's doing." mr. lahey then looks over at the latina.

aviva had her hands in front of her, her nervously looking at the man.

"and i appreciate what you appreciate." camden comments.

"you'll be taken care of, i promise." mr. lahey promised, but the remembered something. "are you going to keep it?"

aviva opened her mouth to say something, but mr. lahey quickly looks over at his son. "is she going to keep it? the fetus?"

camden sighs out, rolling his eyes. "it's a BABY, dad, you can say BABY, it's not a bad word."

"and yes, she's going to keep the baby." camden answers for her.

aviva looks in between both laheys, her checking to see if she's clearly visible.

"and, your parents?" mr. lahey questions.

"uh, i haven't told either of them." aviva nervously smiles.

mr. lahey frowns at her. "why not?"

"...b-because, i came to camden first." aviva stammers.

mr. lahey then slowly nodding at her.

"an-and, besides---m-my mom would be on a basic state of freak if she ever found out and i mean, like literally, all over the place and y-." aviva rambles.

mr. lahey stopped her. "it's okay, aviva, i got it."

"okay..." aviva whispers.

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"i seriously should go home, just to let my mother know that i'm okay." aviva says, not wanting to worrying her mother.

"it's okay, ava, it is, trust me, i've been talking with her and she's okay with all of this, okay?" camden assures.

aviva had spent the entire night at the lahey's house, and right now, the next morning---aviva and camden was going to school.

"aviva! hi." isaac happily says, jumping in front of the girl, almost scaring her.

"hey, isaac." aviva smiles back at him.

aviva becoming surprised by the hug that she was getting from the younger lahey, but nevertheless accepted it.

"hey, woah, easy, you'll hurt-." camden was saying, but then cut his self off.

"can't just throw a big bomb like this in front of a kid's face, especially since, you as a kid and her still as a kid is having a kid, don't tell him, not yet." mr. lahey says.

"when? after the baby's born and he's gonna think we picked up a baby from the side of the road? dad, come on." camden groans out.

"just focus on her, okay? everything else will be taken care of, we will tell him, later, not now." mr. lahey advised.

camden then looks at his father. "i've always focused on her."

"feeling's mutual?" mr. lahey questions.

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