chapter twenty one, father of the year

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at night time, the next night after the party–––aviva didn't actually tell anyone what really went down last night, figuring that it was impossible to believe, thinking that no one would believe her.

the fifteen year old latina sitting on her bed, in her bedroom, looking into the mirror, knocking her shoes against each other, rocking her feet back and forth.

the door to her room was slightly opened, the door was then seen being pushed opened, aviva then turned to see her father walking inside her room.

"what." raphael sighs out.

aviva deeply frowns. "what do you mean 'what'? you were the one that came in here."

"what are you still doing here?" raphael asks.

aviva then scoffs, her then looking around her room, her the looking at her father. "...uh, I think i still do live here." aviva then sneers. "father."

raphael sighs out. "your mother and your brother is waiting on us."

rahael then went to walk away, aviva scoffs, standing up. "oh, so you do remember mom and scott?"

raphael then turns around to look at her. "you didn't tell your mother, did you?"

aviva sweetly smiles. "you didn't forget about my new roller skates, did you?"

raphael scoffs, amusingly smiling at her. "blackmailing? this is what we're doing?"

aviva just looks at him, raphael then amusingly smirks, then walking away. "come downstairs."

aviva sighs out, her then looking at the window, her eyes then slightly passing by the mirror, where she had seen a pair of glowing eyes, her feeling goosebumps on her skin, a shock and surprised yelp escaping her.

"aviva!" raphael calls out.

aviva then looks out her door, clear startled, her then looking back at her mirror, but saw nothing which sparked her confusion.

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a set of documented papers that were of divorce ones was seen being thrown on the dinner table, aviva mccall and scott mccall was seen looking at each other, scott then nervously looking at his father, who was angrily looking at aviva, who was looking at their mother in worry.

"really? right now?" aviva worriedly stares at her mother.

"it was over a very long time, sweetheart." melissa assures.

"yeah, it sure was." raphael angrily looking at aviva, thinking she had spill everything.

aviva confusingly looks at him, wondering why he seemed angry at her.

"i won first prize at a science fair!" scott cheerfully says.

raphael looks at scott, just angry about everything, angry with his first born, can't believe she's do something like this, and he was angry at scott too, just because.

melissa weakly smiles at her youngest child.

"this is so not the time, scotty." aviva whispers.

"i need some fuc-." raphael was saying, melissa glaring at him, thinking that he forgot scott was here.

aviva blocking scott's ears, the ten year old latino responding with a little 'oop', innocently looking at everyone.

raphael scoffs, rolling his eyes, sarcastically responding. "yes, your highness."

"can i fucking leave, right now?" raphael angrily asks, whilst looking at aviva.

"just go." melissa irritably and angrily says.

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"henrik found her."

peter hale had one of his foot on the ledge, his hand resting on it, the other foot on the ground, listening to his nephew, who was sitting on a chair, both hales on the terrace in the dark, seeing as the starts flickered through the dark sky.

"who cares? the nightmare clown could've find her, what matters is that she's safe, isn't it?" peter asks, looking at his nephew.

"did you have to get help from a hunter? we could've did it all fine, both of us is able to find her." derek grumpily says.

peter then smirks. "...or maybe someone is holding out a crush? isn't that, right?"

derek scoffs, clearly denying it. "i don't have a crush on her, she's paige's best friend!"

"it's normal to be with someone and have a crush on someone else, you know?" peter hints.

derek then says, a irritated look on his face. "look, all i'm saying is that, the next time something like this happens–––we don't need to rely on a hunter."

peter smirks, teasing him. "so–––since you don't have anything for her, would you mind...???"

derek irritably looks at him. "you're too old for her."

"oh, really? and camden?" peter smirks.

"peter..." derek groans.

"you know, derek? you're awfully nice for giving her that birthday bracelet." peter says.

derek confusingly looks at him. "what bracelet?"

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aviva was seen standing on the front lawn at night, her then turning around, hearing her father's voice, him angrily gripping a bottle of jack daniel that was half full in his hands, aviva sighing out, seeing as he was drunk.

"dad, you really should sobber up." aviva sighs out.

"no, y-you know, this is your fault!" raphael angrily shouts.

"raphael, go somewhere and sobber up, aviva, let's go inside." melissa softly took a hold of her daughter's hand.

raphael angrily glares at aviva, him then throwing the bottle at the girl, the glass shattering on the wall, a glass scratching her on her face under her eye, carving a bleeding cut, aviva winced in pain, holding her face, melissa seeing the cut stares in shock and worry, her then glancing at her ex-husband.

"raphael! i said–––go!" melissa angrily shouts at him.

"aviva, hey–––baby-." raphael had a remorseful look in his eyes.

"you really are winning father of the year, aren't you?" aviva angrily glares at him.

"aviva, come-." raphael halfway sobered tries to say.

"y-you could have blinded me!" aviva angrily says.

aviva then storms inside the house, melissa disappointingly looking at her ex-husband, going in after her, her then shutting the door.

raphael was left out there alone, him then sighing out, looking at the door.

upstairs in a bedroom, tiny fingers was seen on curtains, scott's face in clear vision looking out the window.

the ten year old latino having a look of guilt in his eyes.

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