chapter forty, heartless hunter

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inside the beacon hills hospital, lying on one of the hospital beds was aviva mccall, her in a blue hospital gown, a blanket over her body, her hair neatly on her shoulders as if they was neatly combed, her peacefully asleep, her hands placed on her stomach that was flat as it was before, a hospital band wrapped around her wrist.

peter hale and derek hale was in the waiting room that was close to the latina's room, peter leaned against the wall, derek asleep with a leg hooked on the arm rest, the other planted on the ground.

peter noticed that his nephew seemed so peaceful and then smirks, him getting close to him, lowly whispering his ear in a robotic creepy tone. "i'm gonna get you."

derek jolts up awake, the tone absolutely scaring him, him smacking the person in their face, him then groaning out, sleepily looking at the person, him then seeing his uncle holding onto his face.

"you hit me! what the hell?!" peter fumed.

"you scared me! what the hell?!" derek retorts.

aviva's eyes was seen flickering opening, revealing her dark brown ones, her then getting up in slow motion, softly gasping out, her eyes slowly looking around.

"aviva, how you feeling?" derek asks, walking into the room.

aviva confusingly tilts her head at him. "do we know each other?"

derek blinks at aviva in panic. "wh-what?"

"i-is this supposed to happen? part of your little ritual?" derek freaked out, whispering to his uncle.

"uh..." peter shrugs. "never done it or seen anyone done it before, but, i know of it, maybe it does."

"w-wait, this is what you meant when you said that laura would've given her a better life?" derek panics.

derek then looks over at aviva, her smiling at him, then laughing at him, derek deeply frowns, then scoffing a laugh, realizing she was just teasing him.

derek then looked over at his uncle, who had a matching expression on his face, him grumpily pouting at them.

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a pair of dark shades of was decorating someone's face, the person using their finger to slide the shades to their face slightly, blue eyes looking at someone in front of 'em.

"can i help you?" the female secretary asks.

"yes, actually, you can." henrik smirks at the woman.

"this is an orphanage, isn't it?" henrik questions.

"didn't you read the sign outside? of course it is." the secretary boredly says.

"guess they pay you less for being the bitch you are." henrik shrugs, the woman gasping at the teenager in shock and offense.

henrik then sighs out. "but, i'm not here to talk about you, but, something more important." henrik then tilts his head to the left, the woman thinking he was strange. "you're one odd young man, is something wrong with your neck?"

the woman then noticed someone walking in with a baby in a stroller.

"w-wait, is that–––a baby?" the secretary asks with a blink of an eye.

henrik rolls his eyes, sarcastically responding. "no, it's a doll."

"well-." the woman was saying, but got cut off by henrik.

henrik then pulls the stroller away. "and, i changed my mind, i don't want this kid growing up here, and i don't like you."

"decided to not be one of those deadbeat fathers and actually take care of your kid?" the woman asks.

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