chapter eleven, the invisible tattoo

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peter hale looks at doorway, where aviva mccall had made her way out, the older werewolf then looking over at his nephew, who just glared at him, clearly unhappy about what he's doing.

"is there something you want to say, dear nephew?" peter questions.

derek stares at him in clear frustration. "really?" derek then mimicks his words. "is there something you want to say, dear, nephew? of course there's something i want to say!"

peter offensively stares at him. "i most definitely don't sound like that!"

"i know what you're doing and it's not going to work." derek seeths.

peter innocently smiles. "and what is it that i'm doing?"

"y-you know exactly what i'm talking about!" derek frustratedly says.

"please, peter..." derek pleads. "ju-just leave her alone, okay?"

peter smirks. "you seem awfully protective." peter then gave him a careless look. "why do you even care anyways? why do you care about what happens to her? because she's not like us?"

"no, because she's innocent." derek then says.

peter raised a brow at his nephew, derek then giving him a look. "don't do anything–––."

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at the high school, inside history class, the teacher was seen sitting by her desk, marking all the papers, her then as she was finished, placed the papers on the desk, stacking them together, then getting up from her desk, proceeding to give it out.

the teacher then reached towards the latina, who flicked the air out of boredom, her sitting sideways, her dark brown eyes then looking up at the teacher, giving her a smile, the teacher strictly looking at her, which caused the girl to feel sad, thinking she had fail once again.

mrs. samuels then placed the paper on the desk, her staring at her with satisfactory. "you have improved, aviva."

mrs. samuels gave her a smile, then went to the other students, aviva then looked at her paper, seeing a B+, the girl then shrugging. "better than a C, i guess."

"you did great!" paige, who was next to her, cheered her up.

aviva stares at her with lit up eyes. "i did?"

"yeah, you did." paige smiles.

aviva smiles, whispering to herself. "i guess, i did."

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henrik argent, who sitting a couple tables away from the mccall, had his hand on his face, looking straight at the girl, his sweater slid up from his hand, exposing his wrist.

aviva turned to look at henrik swaying the paper at him with a happy smile, henrik smiling at her, happy for her.

the bell was heard ringing, signalling that the period was over, ophelia carrington was seen in the backseat, her getting up from her seat, hooking her bag over her shoulder, her blue eyes then catching a sight of two arrows crossed together tattooed on henrik's wrist.

henrik, feeling someone's gaze on him, looked across the classroom as he was getting up, confusingly looks over at the blonde.

"nice ink." ophelia comments.

henrik looks at the blonde, clearly surprised and nervous.

"tattoo?" paige mumbles, glancing at the argent that seemed anxious.

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