6 - Good boy

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What did he just—

Jungkook's entire body was frozen in place and his pupils trembled in shock. He had not heard wrongly, right...? Hyung... The omega had called him Hyung... Such a sweet endearment coming out of his gorgeous lips was akin to shoving a mouthful of honey down Jungkook's throat, so sticky that he could feel it circulating throughout his body and making him feel warm and gooey all over.

"Say it again...?" The words came out of his mouth without him realizing, utterly breathless.

But Jimin did not seem to listen to him. He was petrified, seemingly shocked by the audacity of his own mouth. His eyelids fluttered shut and he abruptly bit down on his lips so hard that it would definitely bleed soon.

Jungkook would not have that, of course. He grabbed Jimin's chin and tilted his head up. His thumb exerted a little strength and pressed down lightly so Jimin let go of his bottom lip with a soft pop.

In an instant, Jimin's eyes snapped open to stare right into him. Within them, Jungkook could see the evasion, apprehension, fear and also something else he could not comprehend. What was he afraid of?

"Jiminah..." He did not know where it came from but the nickname rolled off Jungkook's lips so naturally as if he was made to utter them.

Jimin's breath hitched on his throat and his eyes flew open even wider.

Jungkook relished the shock and astonishment in the omega's striking eyes as he asked again, an enticing smile spreading across his face. "Jiminah, say it again one more time, will you? Hyung begs you..."

It was shameless, he knew. If Jungkook had not been so intoxicated by the omega's pheromones right now, he would have been so mortified that he wished the Earth would open up and swallow him whole.

He sounded so... immoral! Begging someone to call him with endearment just... just like those unruly Alphas out there who were trying to trick themselves into omegas' pants!

Yet as of now, nothing existed except the swirl of blue within Jimin's eyes, the warmth of his skin, how stunning he was and how Jungkook was going to die of heart attack sooner or later.

"Jiminah..." Jungkook leaned in even closer. Until the tip of his nose was grazing against the soft skin of Jimin's cheeks.

He grinned at how Jimin's baby hairs stood on its end, the obvious stutter on his breathing, and how his slender frame was wrecked with shivers.

Jungkook was not any better either. He was just good at hiding how he truly felt. His whole body was so hot like he was burned in a burning cauldron and oh, a certain dormant part of his lower body had begun to stir awake. He deliberately lowered his voice even more, almost in a rumble, as he rasped into the omega's ear. "Jiminah, one more time. Just one more time... Won't you fulfill my wish, hmm?"

"Your wish..." Jimin's eyes were dazed. But then when he blinked again, the haze vanished only to be replaced with sharpness and wits and dear God... Jungkook loved that part of him so damn much.

"Sure," the smaller tipped his chin up haughtily as though he was not the one who was currently being trapped between the wall and an eager Alpha. "What will you give me in return?"

Heavens, this man was just so... Jungkook lost the words to truly describe his brilliance. In the end, he could only let out a deep chuckle and lightly shook the chin in his grip. "Striking a deal, aren't we?" Indulgently, he added, "Alright, what do you want?"

Jungkook was getting curious now. What could Jimin possibly want from an Alpha like him? Unless...

Jungkook stiffened as a possibility slipped into his mind.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now