8 - True Mate

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Jungkook's jaws dropped open and his entire person was stunned silly. Jimin's light remark was akin to lightning striking right above his head.

He certainly knew the signs of an incoming rut. Once, his Alpha co-worker was triggered by an omega's pheromones and had a rut right in the middle of the crowd. It was an experience Jungkook did not want to relive for a second time. Three people had to haul that Alpha back because he had gotten so aggressive and insane that he wanted to bed the first omega he saw. Any omega, as long as they were sweet smelling and could take his knot.

Jungkook remembered that he was grateful for the first time for his broken body. Without his rut, he would not be reduced into such a deranged creature. Ever. He did not mind being a rational, gentle and mild Alpha for the rest of his life.

But just now... what did Jimin say? He was in pre-rut...?!!

Jungkook's mind automatically drifted to the information he had known outside his head. An Alpha in pre-rut would be showing signs of aggression, a sudden spike in sexual drive and an irrational urge to breed an omega. He recalled how he had snapped at the traffic cop earlier, how he had lost control of his canines and the times he almost sank his teeth into Jimin's tender flesh...

Everything suddenly clicked into place.

A sharp gasp escaped Jungkook's lips and he was so shocked that he shot up standing. Apparently, Jimin had anticipate his movement because his arms came around Jungkook's neck in a tight hold whilst his slender legs were locked behind Jungkook's back, tightly clinging to him like a baby koala.

Jungkook did not have the leisure to think about why he could be showing signs of rut for the first time ever since he woke up from his coma, but one thing for certain, Jimin could not be here with him! Jungkook had to bring him out. Now!!

"Jimin..." His voice shook lightly. Now that Jungkook was aware of his body's condition, every single touch that landed on his body seemed to magnify ten folds. The air was too warm for his liking and Jimin too sweet, a combination that could send him straight into doom.

Cold sweat broke out on his back as he crossed the room in a few large strides. "Jimin, let go of me. You heard yourself. I... I might be going into rut. You should go..."

He tried to disentangle Jimin's tight grip around his body to no avail. Instead, Jimin stuck himself closer as though he wanted to merge into one with Jungkook. As if it was still not enough, he also tucked his face into the crook of Jungkook's neck again, a bold declaration that he would not let go no matter what!

Oh dear God, please grant him the strength!!

Veins popped up in Jungkook's forehead. On another occasion, he might be amused at how unexpectedly clingy and affectionate Jimin was despite his cold exterior, but now, all Jungkook could think of was — how brazen! How fearless! This infuriating omega would not know anything until Jungkook taught him a lesson!

Gritting his teeth, he spun on his heels and slammed Jimin against the wall beside him, forcing a loud gasp to escape from the omega's lips.

Jimin's eyes widened as he stared up at Jungkook in shock, even more so as Jungkook grabbed hold of his right hip and angled himself until his raging erection was pressing right against Jimin's ass.

He propped an arm beside Jimin's head and showed a sharp smile. "You can feel this, can't you? Jimin?" They were so close that Jungkook could clearly see how the omega's pupils dilated and his nostrils flared at the scent of Jungkook's pheromones.

Do not get distracted no matter how gorgeous this omega was, Jungkook!

"I think you will not fear me until I spell it out for you. You don't know what is in my mind, do you? I am no different than any other Alphas out there. Just having you here with me is already—"

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now