44 - Insecurity

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Before Jungkook knew it, their pheromones had started to fill every corner of the bedroom. Lavender and peppermint, rosewood and whiskey, they entangled intimately with each other until he could no longer ascertain which one belonged to whom. And such a notion sent a zing of thrill down Jungkook's spine as if their scent had combined into one.

"Hyung..." Jimin whispered in between their maddening kisses. This time, he grew bolder as his hand stroked Jungkook right on his swelling gland, eliciting a strangled growl from the latter. As a result, Jungkook's kisses became even wilder, deeper as if he wanted his last breath to be the air Jimin exhaled.

Jimin was the personification of gasoline to the searing inferno in his heart. No, gasoline was an utter understatement - he was the fucking bomb itself, destroying every single bit of Jungkook's self-control into smithereens. Every single time without fail.

And before Jungkook knew it, he had thrust his hips upward to press the solid proof of his desire on the other's center. Jimin jerked in response and his arms around Jungkook's neck tightened. His body, soft yet seductively firm at the same time, obeyed Jungkook seamlessly as they started to move against each other in a frantic and desperate rhythm and goodness... Jungkook could not stop. He wanted more. More...!

It took every drop of his willpower not to tear the omega's shirt right there and then. It was just a single piece of shirt. Against Jungkook's strength, it would not hold a candle at all but... no. Even the pleasure-induced part of his brain, which was no longer capable of any coherent thought, was unwilling to hurt Jimin in the slightest. If he wanted to claim the omega, then he should do it slow and gentle.

His palm glided up the smooth expanse of Jimin's milky thigh and slipped into the hem of his shirt. Yet instead of short pants or boxer briefs, all he could feel was a very, very thin and flimsy piece of clothing. For some reason, it was very familiar...

Something inside Jungkook exploded and he forcibly tore himself away from Jimin's intoxicating lips, panting, as he asked in utter disbelief. "Jimin, you... what are you wearing underneath?"

It was very difficult to think in such a situation, but Jungkook vividly recalled how Jimin had come out of the bathroom with only a single towel wrapped around his waist. After that, he had searched the wardrobe for this oversized shirt. Jungkook did not see him wear anything else, so there was only one possibility - he had deliberately worn it before coming out of the bathroom. Oh God...

Jimin was very bold when he pulled off those seductive moves earlier, but now he suddenly flushed deep crimson and did not dare to look Jungkook straight in the eye.

Under Jungkook's unrelenting stare, he finally murmured in a quiet voice, still with his gaze trained somewhere between Jungkook's collarbone. "If you really want to know, why don't see it for yourself?"

Oh, Jungkook knew. There was no way he would be mistaken about it. This sheer fabric, the soft lace under his palm... it was identical to the sexy underwear the Omega had worn on the night of the operation in Phoenix Ablaze!

Wait, no, that's not right. Something was different. Jungkook could feel an additional small ribbon between his fingers, but it would not change the fact that Jimin was currently wearing nothing but that provocative piece of clothing beneath his shirt! Oh dear Lord in Heaven, did he want to kill Jungkook or something?!

"Jimin, you..." Jungkook was so speechless that he could only laugh out loud, strained and almost hysterical. When Jimin shot him a displeased glare, Jungkook forced the laughter to subside on his throat and then, he suddenly recalled something. "So... is this what you mean by petty and dirty tricks? Wearing this sexy underwear to... seduce me?" His tone held a hint of mirth, yet his gaze was brimming with ravaging desire as if he could not wait to wreck Jimin to pieces.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now