25 - Special Attraction

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"O-Oh, I see..."

Jungkook knew that what Jimin said was reasonable. A collar was a must when it came to BDSM, especially when the role Jimin was going to play was a sub. No matter how ignorant Jungkook was, he still knew that one thing. But still, it did not prevent him from getting nervous!

Marking their belongings with their scent was a distinct trait of an Alpha's nature, almost like an instinct that was already carved into their blood ever since they manifested.

As such, Jungkook dazedly rubbed the collar with his own scent all the while mulling over the words Jimin had said earlier. If... If he had not heard wrongly, Jimin had said that Jungkook would be the one to... put the collar around his neck? He would be doing it and not the omega himself??

"Enough," Jimin grabbed his wrist before he could overdo it. His cheeks were already flushed due to the smell of Alpha's pheromones in the air. "Now put it on me."

So he really did not hear wrongly! Jungkook stared at him for one long moment before asking in a strained voice. "Are you sure?" He knew that this was only for their mission's sake. But allowing him to do something like this, he could not help but get... ideas. Some very wicked and dangerous idea that... next time, Jimin would let him do it again...

Jimin simply nodded, without knowing how that one movement had set Jungkook's heart ablaze. Swallowing, Jungkook took a few steadying breaths to brace himself before he said, "Okay. Then... I will do it, okay?"

As if all Jimin wanted was to see the entire world in chaos, he added, "Don't waste too much time. You haven't scented me yet."

Jungkook's hands shook so badly to the point where he almost dropped the collar. But fortunately, he managed to calm down and spare himself from the humiliation. Heart pulsing in his throat, Jungkook unclasped the collar and held it toward Jimin's neck.

He almost stopped breathing when Jimin willingly lowered his head in a gesture of submission, letting Jungkook lock the collar behind his neck.

From Jungkook's position, he could clearly see the graceful arc of Jimin's fair swan-like neck, the soft strands of hair on his nape as well as... his gland that was covered by a transparent layer of patch... Oh dear Lord in Heaven, please give him the strength!!

With a composure that shocked even himself, Jungkook placed the black leather collar around Jimin's neck, leaned his head forward and steadily tightened the clasp bit by bit. His voice was oh so low and hoarse as he asked, "Is it too tight?"

He could feel Jimin's exhales across his cheek, so warm that they almost scorched his composure to bits. This close, he could smell the faint scent of sweat and pheromones still clinging onto Jimin's skin. "No, you can... tighten it a little bit more," he murmured. "Yes, like that."

"...Okay." After making sure that the collar was in place, Jungkook drew back and offered Jimin a tight smile. "Done."

He slowly let go of the breath he did not know he was holding. Good job not to mess up, Jungkook! Even then, the back of his shirt was already covered in sweat and he could feel a droplet sliding down from his hairline, leaving a wet trail down his temple to his cheek.

Oh dear God, the sight of Jimin wearing a collar that smelled heavily like him was so... Jungkook could not even begin to describe the thrill he was feeling right now. Their gazes collided in midair and in an instant, the air was charged with a strange current that made Jungkook's heart palpitate.

It was Jimin who broke eye contact first. His gaze shifted to follow the wet trail of Jungkook's sweat on his cheek before oh so slowly falling on his lips. Jungkook sucked in a little breath and he could not help but feel a little light-headed due to the steadily rising temperature.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now