14 - Why are you here?

190 29 13

"...and my first love."


If Jungkook had been drinking, he would have spurted out his chocolate upon hearing this. But fortunately he was not, so he could spare himself and Jimin from the potential humiliation.

However... what should he say about this? Jimin's first love? Was it okay to... discuss something like this on a first date? 

As much as Jungkook was elated that Jimin trusted him enough to divulge a matter so personal, he could not help the tinge of sourness that spread over his chest. It was like he had just bitten into a lemon.

Ah, it is the Alpha-thing and their possessiveness again, Jungkook thought bitterly.

He cleared his throat and carefully observed Jimin's expression, trying to see if he could discern anything from that. However, if Jungkook had been proficient in this part, then he would not have given such a huge headache to Jackson and Yoongi for the past seven years. As such, he could not understand what Jimin was trying to tell him despite scrutinizing for a long time.

He could only awkwardly comment, "They sound like an amazing person..."

Jimin did not hesitate to agree. "Indeed."

Jungkook: "..."

Why did he have a feeling that he had picked up a rock only to smash it on his own feet? Now he had to suffer through the consequences and obediently ate this jar of vinegar!

Jungkook wanted to finish the topic right here and now. But he felt like the atmosphere would be too awkward if he did so. Hence, he could only brace himself to continue asking, "Then... is there any development in your search?"

Goodness, he got goosebumps when he heard this question himself. What if Jimin said that yes, he was going to find this person soon?

Then wouldn't Jungkook lose him even before he started courting the Omega?!

"Development..." Dark shadow shrouded Jimin's beautiful features. He lowered his lashes, preventing anyone to see the emotions swirling in his eyes. Then without any warning, he started to ramble to Jungkook as though he had long been waiting to do so — or to be exact, it must be because Jungkook was the only one sitting opposite him right now. "When the accident happened, everyone around me was convinced that he was dead. Only I was stubborn and insisted that he wasn't. Recently... when I thought that things were going to get better, I received one bad news after another..."

Wow... this was simply the longest sentence Jimin had ever said to him per date. And to think that it was because of the so-called 'first love'... It could be discerned in one glance how important they were to him.

Jungkook let out a faint sigh. Yes, he was faintly displeased with this person's existence, but he could not help but feel heartache for Jimin too. It must be so painful for him to lose such an important person.

Jungkook could not put himself in Jimin's shoes due to his memory loss, he had no idea how it felt to lose someone only to seek them out in desperation, but it was precisely because of that reason that it distressed him more.

He sincerely conveyed, "I hope you will find him as soon as possible."

Jimin blinked slowly, then nodded.

Their food soon arrived and Jungkook tried to divert the topic in order to dispel the gloomy atmosphere.

After they finished their lunch and got back to the car, Jimin had more or less gotten rid of the shadow clinging to his features. Jungkook discreetly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now