13 - Searching for someone

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This sudden development was truly cliché. Jungkook asked in surprise, "You're Mr. Deng Shi? Why didn't you say so earlier?" Leading him around and around, even initiating a fight, it turned out the target had always been right under his nose!

Deng Shi had an unresigned look on his face. If he came out early on, then wouldn't he be buried three feet underground by now?! Alas, his pig teammate had already exposed him. Now he could not even hide anymore even if he wanted to! He clutched his broken wrist to his chest while eyeing Jungkook warily. "W-Who are you? Why are you looking for me?"

Jungkook looked at Mr. Deng's thug-like appearance and sank into self-doubt. This...was an ex-police officer?

Due to the case he was implicated with, Jungkook had had the chance to come into contact with many officers in the Municipal Bureau yet he could not see any resemblance between them with the man in front of him right now.

More than a decade ago, on a freezing and desolate winter night, Miss Yunji encountered this person in the police station after she was kicked out of her house...

Why was he feeling so uneasy about this?

Jungkook asked, suppressing the wave of discomfort in his chest at the thought of a young junior high schooler who was missing for two full years. "Do you know Miss Zhao Yunji?"

"Who?" Deng Shi had an equally dumbfounded look on his face like the other four.

Jungkook pressed his palm on his forehead and sighed. Of course, there was no way Deng Shi could have remembered her after all this time. He had sent Jimin away so quickly and forgot to ask for a copy of Miss Zhao's photograph. Helpless, Jungkook requested politely, "Pardon me, can you please follow me somewhere?"

The caution in Deng Shi's eyes sharpened. He loudly refused, "No! I won't budge from this place! You can drag my corpse out if you want me to follow you!"

He was gambling now. Jungkook did not seem intent on killing him so he would not be able to do anything to Deng Shi even if he refused! Who knew what kind of fate he would end up in if he were to step out of this place today?!

"You don't want to follow me?" A helpless smile curled on the corner of Jungkook's lips.

A bad premonition suddenly emerged in Deng Shi's heart. Just a moment ago, this person had also smiled like this before he proceeded to beat the shit out of them. When he recalled the agony of being beaten up to pulp, he still got shivers.

Alas, this time Jungkook had no intention of beating anyone up. Instead he did something worse. Deng Shi watched as the man pulled something out of his jeans pocket and flashed it in front of them.

Deng Shi's eyes became as wide as saucers and his whole person felt like being submerged in icy cold water. Strength suddenly seeped out of him and his calves trembled like a newborn fawn. That badge could not be more familiar to him...

It... It was a certified police badge!!

He cried out in shock, his teeth chattering in fright. "Y-You're a cop?!"

"Goddamnit it!" The other men cursed. "So you're from the police!"

Since when did a police officer become so rough nowadays?! He did not even say anything before brandishing his fists like a street tyrant!

The four men had a complex look on their faces. Should they be thankful that they had not injured the police officer? But that also meant that they had to swallow today's grievance and even call the other party grandpa! How hateful!

Jungkook maintained a smile on his face. "That's right. So, Mr. Deng Shi, may I ask you to come with me?"

Deng Shi's face abruptly turned green. At this point, did he have another choice? He could only curse the other party for being shameless. Why didn't he take the civil path and expose his identity from the start? If he had done it, then the subsequent fight would not have happened!

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now