43 - Little by Little

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Jimin sucked in a sharp breath. He could see through Jungkook's dilated pupils that the Alpha was barely holding on to a feeble and pitiful restraint.

And this was in line with his original purpose — to provoke and test Jungkook's bottom line and shatter that self-control he was so proud of.

Alas, when all was said and done, he was still an omega deep within.

They had been hiking all day and he had sweated enough to make his whole body feel sticky. Every omega wanted nothing but to present their best state to the Alpha they liked, and he was not an exception. He wanted Jungkook to see and feel only the best, cleanest and fragrant self of him. And thus, no matter how much he was longing for the other, he still clung onto his resolve.

"No," he tried to use the firmest tone he could muster.

Jungkook had somehow expected this answer and despite feeling a tad disappointed, he swiftly covered it up with a slow and easy smile. This was good. If Jimin was quick to answer his demand, then he would only get more and more unbridled.

"Alright, I understand," he let out a brief chuckle and stroked his nape sheepishly. "But if you change your mind, just let me–"

"In exchange," Jimin did not look Jungkook in the eye as he slightly tilted his head to the side to show the line of his graceful neck. His deep crimson ear was a stark contrast to his pale skin. His voice was shaking ever so slightly. "In exchange, you can... take off my gland patch."

Jungkook inhaled sharply and the rest of his words were choked back on his throat. Of course, he knew how important a gland patch was to an omega, and for Jimin to allow something like this... he did not only show the desire for deeper intimacy, but also a whole lot of trust and dependance on Jungkook...

This kind of act struck him harder than if Jimin agreed to his earlier proposal. A thousand times harder. His heart was beating so hard that he could feel it on the tip of his fingers and his head was dizzy from the sudden rush of happiness. Oh God, this omega was just so...

Jungkook swiftly rose to his feet and towered over Jimin's figure. In this position, he could easily see the transparent gland patch on Jimin's neck. Reaching out, he gently held Jimin's small face in one hand, while the other moved to stroke the edge of the patch on his nape. He sensed it when a visible shudder ran through Jimin's body.

And to be honest, Jungkook's inner state was not any better either despite his calm and steady appearance. He was just too damn good at faking it.

When Jungkook peeled off one corner of the patch, Jimin's body went utterly still. He was not even breathing. However, Jungkook's keen eyes caught the palpable tremble of Jimin's chest from how hard his heart was drumming, and the knuckles that were gripping the counter were ghastly white.

"Sshh..." Jungkook moved without thinking to soothe his omega. He stroked Jimin's cheek while releasing a faint strand of soothing pheromones. "Don't be afraid, I will not do anything to you..."

Jimin's head was still tilted to the side and after a moment's pause, he nuzzled his cheek deeper into Jungkook's broad palm to show his approval. His lashes slowly fluttered shut while he struggled to control his ragged breathing. Such a show of trust and firm resolve prompted Jungkook to move. He did not waste any more time and quickly, carefully peeled Jimin's gland patch off.

As soon as that thin blockage was removed, Jimin's pheromones exploded in the air, suffusing the warm bathroom with the intoxicating scent of sweet lavender and icy peppermint.

There was a reason why Omegas tended to wear patches. Aside from protecting their sensitive gland, it could also be used as concealment because there were a lot of things one could discern from their scent alone. For example, right now. Just with a single inhale, Jungkook could already pick up the sliver of tension, anxiety, anticipation as well as a whole lot of arousal from the omega.

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