30 - Leaving Marks [M]

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Jungkook had the urge to fasten the buttons again to hide his body from sight, but he fiercely held himself back for some reason he could not comprehend. He forced his tensed body to relax against the couch and flashed a laid-back smile toward Jimin, which was the complete opposite to what he was feeling right now.

"It's okay, you can be honest," he said. "Hyung won't get mad at you."

Jimin had not taken his eyes off Jungkook's chest — not even one second from the start. He nodded sagely, "Indeed, it's a little ugly..."

Perhaps it was how easily Jimin admitted it, or perhaps he was just too taken aback by Jimin's brutal honesty, Jungkook did not feel that hurt upon hearing the truth. Instead, he let out a mirthful chuckle as though amused at Jimin's deadpan reaction. As it turned out, Jimin was not done yet.

He rubbed his fingertips on the edge of the pinkish scar, earning him another muffled groan from Jungkook. And then his eyes flicked up at Jungkook for a split second before returning down again. He murmured under his breath, "...but I don't hate it."

"...Pardon?" The question came out breathless. Jungkook was so enamored by the ticklish and unbearable sensation of Jimin's fingers that he did not catch what the other had just said.

"I said..." With a deep inhale, Jimin held onto the opening of Jungkook's shirt and tugged hard–— the sound of fabric being ripped echoed harshly in the quiet house, followed by the clinking of buttons flying noisily all over the ground.

Jungkook's jaws dropped open, dumbfounded. His shirt was in tatters now, hanging over his shoulders and displaying all of his hidden scars in their glory. The culprit, Park Jimin, merely harrumphed in satisfaction. This time Jungkook saw it clearly — the faint curve on the corner of Jimin's lips. He licked his bottom lip, a sharp gleam flashing in his eyes. "...They're Hyung's scars. Of course, I will like them."

Jungkook's pupils trembled and his mind buzzed as though someone had smacked him right on the head.

He had no idea which surprised him the most— Jimin's rough manhandling, his passionate words, the first genuine smile he showed, or... all of the above.

Jungkook was akin to an overheated machine that was overwhelmed by data, his brain lagging behind a beat. As such, he still could not react even when Jimin inched closer.

"Oh !" Jungkook gasped in shock when he found a hot, moist sensation running across his chest. T-That was... Jimin's tongue! Oh goodness, the Omega was licking his—

As if it was a mirage, all the previous composure Jungkook showed vanished miserably with a poof, replaced with an inexplicable panic and fluster. His grip around Jimin's slender waist tightened, whether it was to pull the omega away or to encourage him to continue, even he could not say for certain.

"Jimin, you... what are you doing?.." He forced the question through gritted teeth.

Jimin raised his eyelids to peer up at him and the tip of his lashes swept across Jungkook's sensitive skin. Jungkook felt as if someone had locked his body in an electric chair, making his pulse jump wildly along with each of Jimin's movements.

"Can't you tell?" He informed Jungkook in a matter-of-fact tone, as if his words were not a bomb that would send Jungkook straight into a cardiac arrest. "I am going to put my marks on you now."

Jungkook shuddered violently and his shaft swelled even harder within his pants. Oh God... to think that one day he would expose his hideous body for another person to see, and that aforementioned person did not show any disgust he'd expected. Instead, he took his sweet time... pressing one kiss after another, mouthing and licking, on each line of Jungkook's scars. He acted with so much gentleness that it became increasingly tortuous for Jungkook to bear.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now