24 - Close your eyes...

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Jungkook did not know what he had expected Jimin to wear, but certainly not this. He opened his mouth and almost called Jimin by the intimate address. Fortunately, he managed to twist his tongue in the end. "Officer Park, you–" He trailed off, at an utter loss of words.

It was Hoseok who asked the question out loud. "Huh?! Where is your costume?!" He circled around Jimin with narrowed eyes as if he was appraising a good. However, no matter how keen his eyes were, he still could not find any changes on Jimin.

He was still wearing the plain gray T-shirt, black bomber jacket and ripped jeans as he did when he came here. Not even a wrinkle on his clothes could be seen.

The corner of Jimin's lips twitched. "I will change in the car when we arrive there." It's not like he could strut around in that embarrassing outfit. He was not a real masochist, for God's sake! Ignoring the whining Hoseok who was dying to see an M costume, Jimin finally shifted his gaze to look at Jungkook.

In an instant, his pupils trembled and he sucked in a sharp breath. It was like he had been transported back in time, to that year when he had seen this man for the first time...

Hoseok saw Jimin's stunned expression and suddenly got a sense of schadenfreude. It turned out, Mr. Jeon's charm was very powerful. See, even this lone wolf was mesmerized! Thanks to this little incident, Hoseok felt much closer to Jimin and proudly gestured at Jungkook with both hands as if displaying his best masterpiece. "Ta-da! How is it? He looks very domineering and handsome, right?! At this rate, nobody will ever doubt that Mr. Jeon is an undercover agent!"

Jungkook coughed awkwardly. He desperately wanted to cover Hoseok's mouth yet was unable to do so. Surely, he must be exaggerating. It was just the clothes which boosted his aura a lot. However, the way Jimin was looking at him...

Jimin's razor-sharp gaze was so intense and profound, almost burning holes into Jungkook's body. Jungkook felt his neck warm up slightly. Oh God, why was the omega looking at him like that? It only made Jungkook feel all weird and tingly! Restless, he could not help but tug on his collar. "How is it? It doesn't look weird, right?"

It took a few seconds for Jimin to come to his senses. "...No. It suits you very much."

Jungkook suddenly felt that the temperature around was too high for his liking. He did not know what to say except, "Thank you..."

Hoseok stared at them back and forth with round eyes, his mouth forming a solid 'O' that was wide enough to stuff a goose egg inside. He seemed to come to a certain realization. Pointing at the door, he stammered out, "I-I am going to find my bro to settle the bill."

Without waiting for anyone to answer him, he scurried out like his butt was caught on fire. Oh my God, oh my God, he covered his mouth with both hands, gasping. It looked like... he had come across a very interesting secret!

As soon as the door closed behind Hoseok, Jungkook relaxed ever so slightly. For some reason, a voice inside his mind told him not to put down his guard around the officer, although Jungkook had no idea why. He looked at Jimin with a complicated look, and at long last, decided to throw out the question that had been plaguing his mind.

"Jimin, the club we are going into... what kind of place is it?" The more Jungkook talked about it, the more awkward he became. "I heard Officer Jung saying something about me acting as the S and you as the M. It couldn't be what I am thinking..." his voice got smaller and smaller. "...right?"

Jimin stared at him with a mildly speechless look. "You have no idea?"

Jungkook's expression sank. "... About what?"

A heavy sigh escaped from Jimin's lips and he pinched his brows. "How did you take the member card without finding out what it is for, Hyung?" Without any expression on his face, he directly dropped the bomb on Jungkook's head.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now