42 - Pampering

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Cw: mild sexual description

«💜»❤️» 💛»

Jimin became as quiet as a quail as Jungkook carried him into the house, his cheeks flaming red. Indeed, the wish he had told Jungkook back on the mountain path was - 'I want... you to pamper me.'

At first, he was going to say 'I want you' or 'I want your everything', but because he did not want Jungkook to think that he was a frivolous omega who would snag an Alpha on his first date, he forcibly changed his words at the last second.

However, the pampering he had imagined was only limited to opening the door for him, holding his hands gently, making sure that he was well-fed and taking care of his needs - typical of how a courting Alpha would cater to their omega - and it definitely did not include... this!

Jungkook did not even allow his feet to touch the ground. What omega? This was clearly a treatment for a freaking Princess!

However, who could say no to this? Who could resist such a gentle and affectionate treatment from an Alpha like Jungkook? Jimin's heart felt like it was being tickled by countless feathers and he could not help but bury his burning face into Jungkook's shoulder, earning him a deep pleasant chuckle that utterly failed to abate the surging heat on his chest but fanned it wilder instead.

Goodness, how could that brief chuckle be so dreadfully attractive? Jungkook had not even started anything yet and Jimin already got the urge to wave the white flag. But he could not deny that... he wanted to see. He wanted to see how far Jungkook was willing to go for him. He wanted to savor the gentleness Jungkook showered him with.

This overwhelming bliss, throbbing anticipation and a sliver of anxiety - he wanted them all. He was just that greedy...

Despite having a full-grown adult male in his arms, Jungkook smoothly entered the house, flicked on the light, toed off his shoes before striding to the living room and carefully placing Jimin down to the couch.

He did not straighten up but instead crouched down to hold Jimin's ankle, then gently took off the shoes and socks for him.

Jimin saw the Alpha's serious and dedicated look and his heart fluttered even wilder in his chest. He was so lost in trance that he almost jolted out of his skin when he felt a gentle touch on his stomach.

Jungkook placed a palm on his abdomen and rubbed it gently, then he peered up at Jimin with a concerned look, "You ate quite a lot today. Do you feel uncomfortable here?"

It was fine when Jungkook had not brought it up. But once he did, Jimin started to feel a wave of nausea churning his stomach - he had no idea whether it was due to the tension or indigestion. However, it was undeniable that if this kept on any longer, then he was going to puke out everything he had eaten.

Jimin pursed his lips together, upset. Why the hell did he have to eat so much? Hmph!

Jungkook took one look at the omega's tense figure and could guess that he was indeed feeling a tad uncomfortable. Flipping through his memory, Jungkook thought that he had seen some pills in the medicine kit when he stayed over back then. There should be indigestion pills among them.

Thinking up to here, Jungkook stood up and brushed Jimin's sweaty bangs away, then he leaned down to press a lingering kiss on it. He smiled as his fingers brushed against the adorably flushed earlobes. "It's okay, as I've said it earlier -You can take it easy today and leave everything to me, okay? Wait for a while, don't lie down first."

After saying that, he turned to the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinet for a medicine kit. Fortunately, there was indeed a box of indigestion pills. Jungkook checked the expiry date and went to fetch a glass of warm water before he returned to the living room.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now