45 - The Worst case Scenario

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When Jungkook and Jimin arrived at Ruan's neighborhood, they saw a few police cars parked from afar, their blue and red sirens were especially eye-catching under the gloomy nightscape. Not only that, there were also a lot of people crowding around a house which Jungkook suspected was Ruan's.

Jungkook clenched his fists and tried to keep his anxiety at bay. After that desperate plea for help, the call had instantly been disconnected and no matter how many times Jungkook tried to call back, Ruan did not pick up anymore.

Jungkook was so anxious that he almost lost his cool a few times along the journey. If not for Jimin who constantly releasing soothing pheromones to calm him down, Jungkook did not dare to imagine what he would have done.

Gosh... this was all his fault! Since the day of the provincial competition, he and Ruan had been communicating on and off through the messaging app. Once every few days, Jungkook would send pocket money for the little guy to spend. He had also repeatedly told Ruan to inform him if he needed more help. But because he had never heard anything whatsoever, he thought that everything was fine and accidentally let down his guard.

Who knew that something like this would happen?

Jungkook followed Jimin down the car and approached the crowd. Perhaps seeing how frosty Jimin looked — and there was also the anxious Jungkook who was unable to keep a smile on his face — the crowd automatically parted ways for them. Some faint conversation drifted to Jungkook's ears,

"...I knew something like this would happen sooner or later."

"Karma! This is all karma! Old Wu has always been gambling all day and hung out with the wrong people, even neglecting his son day and night. Now see what has happened to him?!"

"Hush, the man is already dead. Why are you still talking bad about him?"

"Goodness, Little Wu is so pitiful!"

Ruan's house was a very old and ordinary single-story building surrounded by mottled brick walls that were only up to Jungkook's chest. From his position, he could easily peer into the house. The sundries and furniture were overturned and there were even lots of glass fragments on the floor. It was apparent that a brawl had taken place here.

Officers in uniform were walking back and forth as they collected evidence and some were shouting to disperse the crowd. It was extremely noisy and chaotic. Jungkook wordlessly withdrew his gaze and his attention was soon fixed on the familiar silhouette that was sitting inside the police car.

It was none other than Ruan.

Just as Jungkook was taking a step in that direction, he was held back by an officer who was guarding the police line. His eyes were wary as he measured Jungkook from head to toe, "Who are you? What kind of relationship do you have with this family?"

Jungkook's entire body was cold, so cold to the point where his fingertips were freezing. Even then, he could not stop sweating. It was like he was sucked into a violent whirlpool and desperately struggled to keep his head above the surface. His heartbeat was so loud that his head was drumming along with it. Due to the blood rushing in his ears, he did not even hear the police officer's question.

It was Jimin who stepped up and covered for him. The omega flashed his official badge. "Park Jimin, Violent Crime Unit from Seoul City Bureau. What is the situation here?"

The officer's wary expression changed in an instant. He straightened up to give Jimin a salute and lifted the police line to grant them access. Despite his confusion as to why the news could travel so fast to the point where the bigshots from City Bureau were attracted here, he still obediently filled Jimin in. "It's a murder. A man in his forties was stabbed on his stomach with a kitchen knife. When we arrived, it was already too late."

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now