9 - You're Here?

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The perks of staying over at Yoongi's place was that he could use the Beta as a shield when Jackson dropped off just to nag him for half an hour straight.

In Jackson's eyes, no one was more reliable than Yoongi when it came to taking care of someone. That was one plus point. Second, Yoongi was inherently aloof and introverted. He valued his peace the most and that was why Jackson being fussy in his house was something that he could hardly tolerate. As soon as the hour hand of the clock struck ten, Yoongi unceremoniously kicked Jackson out of his place.

Of course, Jackson was livid. "You—"

"Out." Yoongi opened the door wide and threw his shoes out, wholly unaffected by the furious man behind him.

"You ungrateful brat!" Jackson pointed at him, face flushed in anger. "Do you remember who wiped your ass when you offended the Director last time?! It's me! Who covered for you when a patient filed a service complaint toward the Head Nurse? Me!"

Yoongi shot him a disdainful glance. "I never asked you to do that, you busybody."

"What did you just say?!" Jackson started to roll up his sleeves. "Brat, are you fucking asking for a fight?!"

Jungkook had always been amused at Jackson and Yoongi's interaction. Despite arguing all the time, deep down Jackson really liked Yoongi's personality and in return, Yoongi respected him as a senior. Too bad both of them could never see eye to eye in most situations.

As much as Jungkook wanted to continue watching, it was getting close to his bedtime. He had stuck to a strict sleeping regimen for the past few years, courtesy to Yoongi's persistence. At ten thirty, he had to be in bed. No phone or teaching material was allowed. If he had unfinished work, then just left it for tomorrow morning.

This regimen had helped Jungkook a lot to alleviate the symptoms of his headache. Slowly, it became a habit. Coupled with the long day he had had today, Jungkook was sure that he would pass out even before his head hit the pillow.

Hence, he could not let Yoongi and Jackson continue their endless banter. Hearing Jackson's words, he chimed in by reflex. "Language, Jack." He was amused. "You're a doctor. What will your patients say if you curse all the time?"

Jackson harrumphed. "So far, the one who has received complaints is not me."

Yoongi deadpanned, "Please be careful on your way home so you don't trip on the curb and break your legs."

Jackson's hackles were raised again. "You—!"

"Alright, alright." Jungkook gently pushed Jackson from behind. Receiving the cue, Jackson's shoulders deflated a bit as he made his way out, huffing and puffing. Jungkook showed an amused smile. "I understand your concern, Jack, and I am very grateful for that. But on a serious note, please trust me when I say that I can manage everything just fine."

Jackson gave him a skeptical look but chose not to say anything in the end, to Jungkook's relief. Just as he thought that everything was over and he could finally get his peace, Jackson suddenly piped in, unusually solemn. "That officer just now... don't get too close to him."

Jungkook's smile abruptly froze on his face. That officer... was he talking about Jimin?

Somewhere in the back of his mind, the part that was run by logic, knew clearly that Jackson was not the kind of person that would antagonize others for no reason. Whatever he said would be backed by sufficient reason and careful deliberation, Jungkook had learned it from years of knowing the doctor.

However, Jungkook had been drained of all adrenaline that had been running high on his blood until a moment ago. His eyelids had started to get sluggish and the forefront of his mind, which was currently dominated by willpower and instinct, took those words as a personal offence at once.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now