46 - What a Coincidence

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Everyone showed an astonished look when they heard this unexpected news. In their eyes, Jimin had always been outstanding, capable with an unique temperament that made him look a bit lofty. However, when this loftiness was backed with great skills, it was not called arrogance but confidence instead. If they could use a metaphor, for them Jimin was akin to a god that dwelled in a snow-capped mountain, dignified and unapproachable.

Who could have guessed that he had such a troublesome childhood?

The surprising news notwithstanding, everyone's gaze toward Hoseok gained a subtle hint. One person finally spoke up and represented what they were thinking, "Just how did you find out something like this?"

"Hehe..." Hoseok rubbed his nose sheepishly. "Actually, if you're diligent in sorting the files, you will find the record in the database ten years ago."

Everyone gave him a speechless look. Who would be so nosy to flip through the files from years ago? Did they not have anything better to do? The only person who would do something like this was you, okay?! At an utter loss of words, they could only give Hoseok a thumbs-up.

Now that they knew they could read the case file in the database, everyone rolled their chairs back to their desks and turned on their computers, eager to learn the reason why Jimin insisted on Ruan's innocence.

Was it merely sympathy or... did he see something that they couldn't?

Alas, before they could do that, a man from the forensic center barged in with a loud voice, flustered and excited in equal measure. "Captain...! Where is Captain Namjoon?!"

Soon after, the door to Namjoon's office swung open and two people stepped out. Judging from their dark expression, it seemed like they had not reached an agreement yet. The other members did not dare to utter a peep and pretended to know nothing. Instead, they focused on the new visitor and crowded around him.

"What's wrong? Why are you shouting so loud? Is there a new development about the case?"

Namjoon received the report handed over by the man and flipped through it, his brows knitting deeply.

At the same time, the forensic scientist could not hold back his blabbermouth and told the others excitedly, "We're collecting blood samples from the victim's body for record purposes and guess what we found? It's AX-03! And the concentration is quite high at that!"

Everyone, including Namjoon who was skimming through the report, froze in shock. AX-03. If someone worked in the public security bureau, even if they were not a member of the Narcotics Division, they would still hear about this drug more or less. It was a drug that was only effective for Alphas.

It was common knowledge that though Alphas were considered the top of the food chain in society, there were distinctive ranks within Alphas themselves.

Alphas who were naturally commanding, charismatic and able to pressure and dominate other Alphas with their pheromones alone were few and far between. They were the absolute cream of the crop and their number only amounted to 0.001% of the entire Alpha populations. They were often referred to as superior Alphas.

On the other hand, there were also 'ordinary' and 'weak' Alphas.

Ordinary alphas could still exude pheromones that affected omegas, but their ability to suppress other Alphas were close to none. If two ordinary alphas fought, then the scene could only be described as wild chickens pecking each other. And lastly, there were weak alphas whose pheromones were so thin that they were nearly negligible. The last category could be caused by premature manifestation, gland disorder and other circumstantial injuries.

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