10 - Let me court you...

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Jimin's body tensed for a split second in his embrace, apparently not expecting such a strong reaction from Jungkook. The only reason why he did not beat Jungkook up on the spot must be because he was holding a drink in his hand. But he still growled out, "Let go."

Jungkook abruptly returned to his senses and tore himself away, appalled by his own audacity. What was he thinking, grabbing the omega in broad daylight, one that he had offended the previous day at that?!

No, he was not even thinking, Jungkook thought sadly. For some reason, his logical mind seemed to decide that it was the right time to turn itself off whenever he was in Jimin's presence.

Jungkook backed away a few more steps for good measure. "I'm so sorry!" He palmed his forehead and let out a pained chuckle. "I was just thinking about how you have left and then you suddenly appeared in front of me and I just couldn't hold myself back—" 

Jungkook choked on his words. Goodness, he should just keep his mouth shut! Ashamed, he offered once again, "I am really sorry, Officer Park. I didn't mean to..." Hug you? Jungkook did not want to apologize for something he did not regret so he could only settle with, "...surprise you like that."

Jimin gave him a cynical look, one that seemed to pierce through the depth of Jungkook's mind and caused him to become even more flustered. "Um..." He pointed at the cup in Jimin's hand and asked weakly. "Is that for me?"

Jimin finally tore his eyes away from Jungkook to look at his own hand that was still holding the beverage. Then without any preamble, he shoved the drink into Jungkook's hands and stalked away.

Stunned, Jungkook could only look at the drink and Jimin back and forth. To his delightful surprise, Jimin had chosen banana milk which Jungkook had always bought for himself after he had completed his regular check-up! This time, Jungkook could not hold back the grin on his face as he matched Jimin's steps with his long legs.

"How do you know this is my favorite, Jim — ah, sorry, Officer Park?"

Jimin did not deem that worthy of an answer. "Didn't you say you have something to talk about?" They had reached Jimin's car that was parked right in front of the hospital. He pressed the key to unlock the door and tilted his head toward the car.

Oh. Oh right, Jungkook could not afford to get distracted. He slurped the banana milk which felt sweeter than usual and climbed into the shotgun seat beside Jimin, treating it as alcohol for a shot of courage. The cold milk proved to be a sufficient thing for Jungkook to hold onto as he struggled to arrange his thoughts.

It certainly did not help that Jimin looked even more dashing than he did yesterday. Seriously, how could he look so effortlessly gorgeous?

Jimin did not bother to start the car. Instead, he only rolled down the window and propped one arm on it, resting his head on his knuckles. His hair got even more windswept, looking very fluffy and sleek. Out of nowhere, Jungkook recalled how soft and silky it was when he raked his fingers across it yesterday... No! Keep your mind out of the gutter, Jungkook!

He cleared his throat and decided to start with a safe topic. "Did you get home safely yesterday?"

He did not expect Jimin to answer, "No."

Jungkook's eyes flew wide in shock. "N–No...?"

"My heat arrived all of a sudden yesterday and I had to stop on the side of the road to inject myself with a heat suppressor." Jimin did not even look at him as he said in a nonchalant tone. "Three Alphas knocked on my window and asked if I needed some help."

Jungkook stared at him in terror, chills running down his spine. Jimin, alone and in heat inside the car. Three Alphas...

He knew perfectly what kind of help an Alpha could offer an omega in heat. When he thought of how those Alpha might have seen Jimin in his most vulnerable state, so pliant and adorable like how he was drunk on Jungkook's pheromones yesterday, anger surged up his throat so vividly that he tasted blood on the base of his tongue. He was... utterly livid.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now