32 - Wake up Alpha

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Jungkook was having the best sleep of his life, hugging the soft and fragrant pillow in his arms when all of a sudden, a continuous ring of an alarm pierced through the fog of his mind and roused him from his deep slumber.

Still groggy, he tried to discern the unfamiliar sound and confirmed that it was not his own. As such, there was no need for him to wake up. With a groan, he hugged the pillow tighter to himself and buried his face into it again, inhaling its scent deeply.

A burst of delight and comfort coursed through him. He did not remember if he had such a pillow but... it smelled so good...

Less than five seconds later, Jungkook was already off to another dreamland.

Totally unaware that his body pillow was already wide awake. To be exact, Jimin had not gotten a wink of sleep as he was too engrossed in watching Jungkook's sleeping face like he was bewitched by a powerful spell. Then in a blink of an eye, his alarm — where had he put his phone again? — was activated. He instinctively knew that it was his usual waking up time, five am.

Jimin blinked his dry eyes in surprise. Had he really spent so long watching Jungkook sleep? Why did time fly by so fast?

His entire body felt soft and pliant within the confines of Jungkook's powerful arms. As much as Jimin wanted to stay, the alarm was slowly getting to his nerves. Alas, when he tried to move, Jungkook abruptly tightened his arms around his waist as though unwilling to let go.

Jimin's heart skipped a beat. "Hyung...?" He called out tentatively. But when he looked closer, he saw that Jungkook was still deeply asleep with his head nestled blissfully on Jimin's chest. He was totally unperturbed by the noise in the air.

For the nth time throughout the night, Jimin's heart seized sharply when he saw how comfortable Jungkook was hugging him, how intimate and dependent his posture was. Entirely out of selfish desire, he gingerly leaned in and pecked the tip of the Alpha's perfect nose, whispering close to his ear, "Hyung... it's my alarm. I have to get up now."

There was no response from Jungkook other than nuzzling his head closer as if he wanted to bury his face deeper into the pillow.

Usually, he was not such a heavy sleeper. But these past few days had utterly drained him, both mentally and physically. Coupled with the fact that he had just had a pheromone outburst last night, followed by a sexy and thrilling make-up session with his beloved which resulted in severe lack of sleep.

Jungkook was akin to a dying battery which was barely charging. And of course, the only way for him to recharge was to sleep in and hug the pillow in his arms tighter.

Jimin did not bat an eyelid at the strength Jungkook exerted. If it was any other omega, maybe they would have cried out from pain. It really did look like Jungkook was intending to break his waist from how tight he was holding him.

...But Jimin liked it.

Tighter, he found himself thinking, hug me tight. Even more tighter than this. Even if I have to break my body for it, I am perfectly willing...

However, the alarm was getting more and more unbearable. It pierced through the stillness of the day just like a siren. And if he did not do anything about it soon, the neighbors would definitely come knocking on his door with a belly of complaints. Jimin dug into his memory and barely remembered that he had put his phone in Jungkook's suit jacket.

He craned his neck and looked around before he recalled that the suit jacket was still inside the bathroom because Jungkook had carried him there when he was still wearing it.

No wonder the sound seemed louder than usual, Jimin's brows creased in displeasure.

"Hyung." He called again.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now