27 - Devil's reincarnation

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Tonight was a special night because of the attraction that would only be available once every six months. It was the most important highlight of Phoenix Ablaze and hence, the Boss of the place decided to drop by to supervise the event himself.

Usually, Han Shan would just send his right-hand man to go and check the proceedings for him. But he had no idea why, his left eyelids kept twitching when he stepped out of the door this morning. He had a strong hunch that a problem would come knocking on his door and thus he was being extra careful today.

This year, Han Shan was already 44 years old, yet his body was still as fit as a fiddle. Despite being a Beta, he had a tall and robust body, an awe-inspiring aura and quite a good-looking face that made him popular among men and women. His identity had always been mysterious.

Hearsay he owned a lot of buildings and was a major shareholder in many foreign companies across the country. His wealth was immeasurable and the people who managed to meet him needed to book his schedule half a year in advance.

He stepped into the VIP passage with two bodyguards trailing behind him. The staff lined up in two rows on each side of him and bowed deeply. "Welcome back, Boss!" Their movement was coordinated and systematic. It was evident that they had been trained for this before.

Han Shan nodded with a light smile on his face. "Good work, everyone."

He donned an expensive suit and shiny leather shoes. Perhaps it was a habit formed in his early days, Han Shan had always brought a short cane with him and his hands had always been covered by black leather gloves. It added a very mysterious air to him.

"Welcome back, Boss." Manager Kang had been waiting for him outside the office. As soon as Han Shan entered and sat in his chair, he immediately gave a report. "Everything is in order. There will absolutely be no problem tonight."

Han Shan still could not be rest assured. With a helpless chuckle, he rubbed his gloved fingers across his eyelids. "Really? But why are my eyelids still twitching until now?"

It was not like Han Shan believed in supernatural phenomena, but for people in his line of business, sometimes instinct would be the critical factor to determine someone's life. Han Shan could come this far because he believed in his instinct.

Even hearing Manager Kang's repeated reassurance, he was still uneasy for some reason. "Is there really nothing at all?"

"Well..." Manager Kang recalled everything that had happened for the past few hours and decided to recount everything to the boss, no matter how trifling it was. "Today, Young Master Huo is back—"

"That brat is here again?" Han Shan clicked his tongue in displeasure. "I have given Master Huo a severe warning last time. If his son does something stupid again, then he will be blacklisted in every building I own! I told him that brat needs to be taught a hard lesson lest he bumps into someone he should not offend one day, but Master Huo still continues to spoil him to no end!"

Manger Kang waited patiently until the boss finished ranting before he continued, "As usual, Master Li is bringing 'someone' to hide in the burrow. It's been three days now."

The news just kept getting worse and worse. Han Shan's face twisted into a scowl. "Again?! Who the hell is it this time?!"

Manger Kang had clearly done his job. Leaning forward, he whispered into Han Shan's ears. "It is his lackey surnamed Dong. I heard Master Li has lost something important to one of his women. He was tricked so badly that he was determined to dispose of her once and for all. However, it seems like there was a mishap and the police still found the corpse in the end. Now, he is trying to lay low for a while before getting rid of the one surnamed Dong as well."

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