47 - Jealous Alpha

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Jungkook listlessly walked out of the police station, his gaze trained on the phone in his hand.

He had been circling through his list of contacts twice but the most reliable person he could find was still the one he did not want to contact the most. Even now, this person was still bombarding him with messages and the notification piled up on Jungkook's phone was already 99+.

He was simply speechless by Jackson's tenacity. It was already close to midnight and he had not gone to sleep yet? Was it so fun to terrorize him with a bunch of threatening messages?!

The lonesome silhouette of Raun sitting inside the police car flashed through his mind. Jungkook gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and finally pressed call. It was connected in the matter of milliseconds.

"You... motherfucker!!" Jackson's roar echoed so loud that the officers bypassing Jungkook were shocked. Jungkook put on an apologetic look and hastily lowered the volume. He counted inside his heart. Ten, nine, eight, seven... four, three, two, one, before placing the phone to his ear again. As it turned out, Jackson was far from having enough.

"You still know how to call me, huh?! I thought you're so busy fucking your omega that you could only send me a goddamn period!"

Ah, that's right...

Today was supposed to be the best day of his life. Just this morning, he had been so happy to fetch Jimin from his house. Just a few hours ago... he had been so fascinated by Jimin who curled up in his arms affectionately. Just how did such a perfect day turn into a horrible nightmare? A bitter laugh escaped from his throat, hollow and mirthless.

Jackson paused amidst his torrent of curses. "...What's wrong? I heard commotion around you. Are you outside?"

"Jack..." Jungkook halted in front of the busy police station's lobby and stared at his shoes, his lips curling up into a self-deprecating smile. "Jack, I messed up again."

The other side was silent for a few seconds before asking hesitantly, "You messed up on your... date?"

"No." Jungkook swallowed past the lump of his throat. He closed his eyes and fought against the burning sting on the back of his eyes. His voice became raspy. "I... I am in the police station now."

There was a loud clatter from Jackson's line followed by a muffled curse, then a disbelieving shout, "Fuck, did you become a murder suspect again?!!"

Jungkook could not help it. He burst out in laughter, his shoulders trembling faintly as he tried to muffle it so as to not enrage the other party. Just what kind of image did he have in Jackson's eyes? Was it that easy to become a murder suspect twice in a row? Jackson was usually very brilliant yet sometimes, he could be very silly as well.

However, thanks to this little interruption, he found that he could breathe a little easier again.

"No, don't worry, nothing happens to me this time." Jungkook raised his head and saw a very tall and handsome man alighted from the car, carrying a lot of large plastic bags with the spicy crayfish logo. The traffic cop instantly went up to greet him and help him take a few.

Jungkook's mind became a bit distracted. Somehow, he felt like this man looked kinda... familiar, but he just could not remember where he had seen him before. He did not think too much about it though. Due to his terrible memory, he was used to forgetting the faces of people whom he had just met once or twice. Perhaps, he had seen this man in the police station and forgotten it. He quickly threw the matter to the back of his mind and focused on the call.

"Do you remember my student, Raun? Hmm, it's the one I have told you before. Just now, he— "

A huge force suddenly grabbed his arm from behind, cutting Jungkook mid-sentence with a gasp. His eyes flew wide when he saw Jimin who was breathing heavily with a complexion so pale.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now