29 - As if...

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CW: sexual description. There are no undressing or any intimate acts (yet) hence no warning in the title :)


Jungkook almost choked on his breath as soon as he registered the provocative meaning behind Jimin's words. Heat abruptly crawled up his neck. "T-That was..."

Oh God... for Jimin to point it out like this, how many times had he noticed Jungkook's reaction for him? Jungkook did not even dare to guess for fear that he would die out of sheer embarrassment. It was not like he could control it either! This body of his was just so weird. It clearly had not given any reaction whatsoever for the past seven years, yet after meeting Jimin, it suddenly changed beyond recognition.

Just by having Jimin blow a breath to his ear, or leaning close to him, or glaring at him with his cheeks flushed red, was enough to make Jungkook excited to the point where he almost lost his reason.

He suddenly recalled Yoongi speculating that Jimin might be his true mate and that's the reason why he had been acting so unlike himself in Jimin's presence. However, due to the string of events that happened subsequently, he had thrown this matter to the back of his mind and forgotten it completely.

Jungkook pursed his lips. If he were to inform Jimin about the possibility of being true mates, would the omega think that he was just throwing a random excuse for his indecent behavior? After all, it sounded too much like a pick-up line... right?

"Well?" Jimin's hand suddenly exerted strength and he raised a brow, taunting. "Cat got your tongue, Hyung?"

Jungkook's teeth sank into his bottom lip to muffle the pained groan. His whole body was so tense that it felt like snapping at any moment. His hold around Jimin's waist tightened, albeit he did not dare to move it even an inch. All of the gratifying sensation he was feeling right now caused his mind to become a jumbled mess and all he could see was the provoking gleam within Jimin's beautiful eyes. Oh God, how could Jimin be so... so bold and daring?!

"Jimin, don't tease...!" he forced out through gritted teeth, his breathing so ragged that it echoed harshly amidst the enclosed space. He had no idea how long he could hold himself back. But if Jimin kept doing something like this, then...

"Heh..." there was a faint chuckle, and then, "Do you think I am teasing you?"

Jungkook whipped his head up in shock and astonishment. Jimin's smile was already considered very rare, let alone his laughter. It might not be a genuine laugh full of joy, and Jungkook could even hear a tinge of mockery in it, yet he still stared at the curve on the corner of Jimin's lips like he was seeing the world's wonder for the first time.

There was a trace of huskiness in Jimin's voice, and his black-blue eyes glowed akin to precious topaz shimmering under the moonlight, burning in so much fervor and zeal. "Hyung, if you think I am teasing you, why don't you smell me?"

For a few seconds, Jungkook did not understand what Jimin was trying to convey. But when he subconsciously followed Jimin's words and sniffed the air around him, his expression instantly turned stiff. He had no idea when it happened but... Jimin's entire body reeked of rosewood and whiskey — his pheromones, his smell. It was so sharp and intense that people could smell it from miles away.

Jungkook's eyes widened and his breath hitched on his throat. Since when...?! It was not this extreme and powerful before, at least not when they entered Phoenix Ablaze a few short hours ago. Could it be... had he done it when he lost control of his pheromones? He had thought that it was Jimin who was scenting him, yet as it turned out... he was the real culprit here?

Oh God, with this many pheromones, it might not disappear even as Jimin scrubbed his skin raw...

"How about it?" Jimin's voice was as soft as a whisper. "Is it me who is teasing you or... is it the other way around? Hmm?"

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now