31 - Unattainable yearning [M]

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At first, Jimin was still a tad disoriented, too dazed from the onslaught of pleasure that rolled through his whole body to comprehend what Jungkook was talking about. Yet as soon as his hand bumped against a certain hard, solid and thick length, any lethargy and languidness in his eyes dissipated without a trace and his whole person entered a state of great alert.

He was a professional criminal investigator, after all. Every single day, he would go on a morning run around the neighborhood to keep up his physique. Not only that, because he was an Omega whose body inclined to the slender side, he had to work extra hard to catch up with his Betas and Alphas colleagues. When all was said and done, his physical endurance was higher than ordinary people and it did not take long for his body to heat up again once he held Jungkook's scorching manhood in his palm. Jimin's eyes snapped up to Jungkook, wide and unblinking.

Even through the layers of clothes, he could already sense the waves of heat emanating through it. It was hot, so hot that Jimin thought his skin would be burned along with it. His heartbeat, which barely slowed down after the earth-shattering orgasm, suddenly throbbed to life again, twice as fast and irregular.

Jungkook leaned close and grazed the tip of his nose gently against Jimin's cheek, inhaling his unique scent. His thick hair spilled over his shoulder and on Jimin's body it felt so ticklish that he could not help but squirm. "Hyung..." he murmured in a low and raspy voice, a hint of imploring in his tone. As for what he wanted Jungkook to do... he could not bring himself to say it out loud...

"Hmm?" Jungkook tilted his head a bit to peck the corner of Jimin's lips. Not satisfied, he peppered a few more kisses along the line of Jimin's mouth and said huskily, "If I didn't remember wrongly, you said that... you want to touch it directly? Am I wrong?"

Jungkook heard Jimin's breath softly hitch on his throat and the slender hand in his grasp shook ever so slightly. He fought against another groan on the tip of his tongue, his head lolled softly to the crook of Jimin's neck. Jungkook's entire body was as taut as a bowstring ready to be released, yet he did not even dare to move.

He merely leaned close to Jimin and nuzzled his face on the spot where the omega's pheromones felt the warmest and thickest, his breathing coming out in quick pants as he urged the omega to move. "Jimin, Minie... Precious, help Hyung, okay?"

The way he acted like a spoiled child shocked Jimin down to the core. In his memory, this person had always been calm, composed and handled everything that came his way with a callous and almost cold-blooded way.

He was the most steadfast person Jimin had ever known, and all of a sudden, he recalled himself thinking all those years ago that when he grew up one day, he would want to become like this person.

...Where had Jungkook learned to act weak and pitiful like this?

Alas, it was undeniable that this method... seemed to work well against Jimin. Too well, in fact.

It was clear that he was suffering so much to the point where he sweated non-stop. The subtle furrow on his brow and his tense jaw had proven how close he was to the edge. Considering how weak and unguarded Jimin was right now, it would be so easy for him to force the other person to help him reach the peak. Yet he didn't. He would rather show this docile and defenseless side of him and pleaded in a strained voice. He would rather wait for Jimin to make the first move than to do it himself. Just like a wild, fierce beast who deliberately rolled over to show his most vulnerable tummy...

Jimin's pupils trembled. It was as if there were thousands of sharp arrows piercing through his heart at once, making it sour and painful. Heart drumming in his throat, he took a deep breath as if bracing himself for what might come. Then his hands tremblingly moved to unbuckle Jungkook's belt.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now