23 - Think twice

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Jungkook did not register what Jimin was saying for a while. All of his senses were captivated by the sweet, sticky pheromones the Omega exuded. Veins throbbed on Jungkook's forehead and he ground his molars so hard that sharp pain struck the base of his jaw.

He only sensed Jimin's hand groping around his side, going lower and lower toward that raging part of his. The tension in his body almost broke through the roof and smashed his sanity into smithereens.

This omega... how dare he?! How could he do something like this... knowing that Jungkook would not be able to resist him at all?!

Like a trapped beast, Jungkook's chest was heaving violently and his darkening eyes were transfixed on Jimin's moving lips. The distant part of his mind noticed that the omega was talking about something, yet right now all he could only think about was how perfect those lips were and how delectable it would taste...

Enamored, Jungkook slowly bowed his head. The distance between their lips shrank rapidly, and their warm breaths intermingled with each other. But one second before he could taste those alluring lips, he was blocked by Jimin who put up a palm that was not holding the card between them.

Jimin's brows were knitted tightly. "Listen to me—"

Jungkook did not listen. Instead, he tilted his head and caught the omega's forefinger between his teeth, biting down playfully. His silver eyes were hooded in desire as he raised his half-lidded gaze to meet Jimin's.

Jimin inhaled sharply and his black-blue irises trembled. "Jungkook..."

Jungkook slowly closed his lips around the tip of Jimin's finger and his tongue swirled around the rough pad that was covered in thin calluses. Oh God, even his finger tasted so good... He had never expected that he would desire someone this way, it was so intense and maddening that he almost could not recognize himself. The taste of Jimin's bare skin and salty sweat was akin to electric shocks jolting through Jungkook's entire body, making a certain part of his body swell harder. He really wanted this person... Oh God, he really wanted to possess him, bite him and mark him as his own...

He kept Jimin's finger inside the wet cavern of his mouth, nibbling and licking to his heart's content, and it was not until Jimin's body trembled so badly in his embrace did he finally draw away.

The sensual 'pop' as his mouth let go of the finger caused Jimin's face to explode into a brilliant crimson flush. He curled his fingers and yanked them away from Jungkook as if it had been scalded. "You!" The rims of his eyes were tinged with red. The struggle in his beautiful eyes was apparent. He had a very important matter to discuss with Jungkook, but... but how was he supposed to maintain his sanity in a situation like this?!

"Why are you blocking me, Minie? Do you... despise it when I do something like this?" Jungkook's voice was very low and pitiful, like a puppy whose soft belly had been kicked when it had taken the initiative to show it, very aggrieved and heart-wrenching.

Of course, he would sound all the more convincing if not for the terrifying pressure that emanated from the pheromones around his body...

Jimin let out a gasp as the oppressive scent of rosewood and whiskey wrapped around him like an overly warm blanket, each strand was caressing his pores and tried to burrow itself into his body. It was a tender caress filled with affection, yet because this person was losing control of himself, he was unable to hide the true nature of possessiveness in his scent.

The thick desire in the Alpha's silver eyes stunned Jimin. All of a sudden, he recalled the things Jungkook had told him in the car yesterday- "You have no idea, the one who wants to possess and monopolize... has always been me."

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now