49 - Nothing to explain

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Jungkook stood alone inside the toilet cubicle, dumbfounded, as he tried to process what was going on for the past few minutes. He could not believe that Jimin had left him hanging like this.

So in the end, what kind of astoundingly horrible alpha could trigger such a reaction from Jimin? And did he really think that Jungkook could not win?!

The corner of Jungkook's lips tilted into a smile that did not reach his eyes. Good, Jimin... keep acting like this. I will find out the answer sooner or later!

The more Jimin avoided him, the more it aroused an Alpha's instinct to chase and conquer. Jungkook was literally going crazy trying to keep himself still instead of rushing out to catch up with Jimin.

He always thought that he had a relatively mild temper which made him not easily provoked. But right now... he was akin to a sizzling fuse on the verge of exploding. If he had fur on his body, it would have bristled all over from how agitated he was!

Fortunately, he did not need to wait long. Less than ten minutes later, a voice note came in from Jimin, telling him to go straight to the parking lot right now.

"Ha..." Jungkook raked his fingers through his hair again, almost messing up his bun. He told himself in a low hiss, "Patient Jungkook, you won't lose your head due to jealousy. You won't!"

After giving himself a prep talk, Jungkook wasted not even a single second as he strode out of the police station, finding Jimin leaning against his car with his head lowered. But much to Jungkook's surprise, he was not alone.

For a split second, Jungkook forgot about his depression because he was too surprised by this strange combination. "...Jack?" He called out tentatively, and whatever Jackson and Jimin were talking about stopped when they noticed his presence.

He was curious as to what kind of topic this mismatched pair could talk about, but more than that, he was more taken aback by Jackson's sudden appearance in the police station.

Jungkook scanned Jackson with his gaze and found that the Beta had only draped an outer coat over his pajamas. It was apparent that he had rushed out in a haste. "...Why are you here? Did you come after that call?"

"No shit! You still dare to ask why I am here?!" Jackson seethed in a low voice. Perhaps because he had been ready to go to sleep, his hair was a bit messy with a few strands falling over his forehead, adding on a younger charm to his thug-like aura. "Don't you know I have a psychological trauma every time I hear you mention the police station?!"

"Oh," Jungkook replied with a dry and humorless chuckle. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Jackson's brows knitted as he gave Jungkook a once-over. He then glanced at Jimin who was so silent that he almost merged with the background and a subtle understanding flashed across his eyes. Even then, he was unable to soften his mouth at all and gave a harsh sneer.

"Five minutes. I don't want to know what's going on between the two of you, but if you don't come in within five minutes, I will fucking drive away without you." After throwing that sentence, he rounded the car and slipped into his car that was parked right beside Jimin's, leaving the other two alone.

The atmosphere between them was as bleak as the gloomy night sky, carrying with it the bitter chill of wind that could seep into flesh and bones.

Jungkook waited and waited, and when he saw that Jimin did not show any signs of talking, he finally could not endure it anymore. Plastering the sincerest smile on his face, he asked softly, "Mr. Park Jimin, do you have something to explain?"

Jimin's heart gave a little jolt. Park Jimin... Jungkook had just called him 'Park Jimin'. Jungkook had almost never addressed him by his full name unless he was dead serious.

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