39 - New Member

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Jackson had nearly sacrificed everything just to bring Jungkook away with only a breath of life hanging in his body.

After he painstakingly nursed Jungkook back to health, he became an overprotective mother hen, almost to the point of paranoia. He couldn't care less if everyone thought that he was being unreasonable, it was simply because they had no idea what kind of burden Jackson was carrying.

Seven years ago, when Yoongi had just become Jungkook's physical therapist, he had never expected that their relationship would last until now, even becoming closer and closer. Jackson had forgotten when it happened - maybe two or three years ago - he had once warned Yoongi that staying by Jungkook's side might be dangerous.

Yoongi was not a fool. He would be able to discern a lot of things based on the degrees of Jungkook's physical injuries alone. However, Yoongi was inherently aloof and indifferent. Jackson had no idea whether Yoongi heeded his words or not, but he still treated Jungkook the same.

Everything had been very peaceful for the past seven years, so peaceful that it made Jackson forget for a split second what kind of life they had been living before then.

He had foolishly thought that the danger had passed and so, he did not feel that there was a need to warn Yoongi for a second time. Who could have guessed that...

"When..." Jackson's voice was soft as if he was drained of strength. His face was uncannily pale. "Since when have you found us?"

KJ seemed amused by the other person's dejected appearance. He and Jackson were more or less similar in height. Obviously, Jackson's body frame was muscular whereas he was inclined more to slender. Yet when they stood face-to-face like this, KJ's aura was so strong that it completely overpowered the other and gave him the air of oppression. Without any warning, he leaned in and grazed the tip of his nose along Jackson's cheek, inhaling deeply. "I'm afraid that if I tell you the truth... you will burst into tears right here and now," he whispered softly.

Jackson frowned, uncomfortable with their close proximity. Behind him was the closed bathroom stall and there was no space for him to retreat. Just as he was going to duck to the side, KJ promptly slammed his hands on the door, caging him within the suffocating cocoon of his arms. Jackson had no choice but to raise his head and shoot him a vicious glare.

From the start, he and KJ had never gotten along. It was like they were destined to be nemesis since the first time they laid eyes on each other. KJ was doing all this to slight him, he knew, and he would rather die than to show his weakness in front of this man.

"Burst into tears? Heh..." Jackson sneered in disdain. He ignored the fact that he could sense KJ's light exhales and forced himself to focus on the matter at hand. "Don't be so fucking arrogant. If you have found us early on, then why would you only act recently? Let me guess. It should be... last year, around five or six months ago?"

KJ's expression did not change, but their close distance enabled Jackson to see the hardening of his eyes.


Jackson lifted his chin and slowly regained his momentum. His lips were still stretched into a derisive smile. "No wonder... I have always thought something was off with how Miss Zhao could be caught by Li Ming when their lives should not intersect with each other in any aspect. It's you, right? You are the one who exposed her whereabouts to Li Ming, and... you're also the one who handed the evidence of Li Ming's illegal transaction to her. Nobody would keep such troublesome contracts by their side. It was just like deliberately planting a bomb that would explode at any time. Only a fucking idiot would do that. Li Ming was an old hand at this, and he certainly is not an idiot judging from how he could evade the police all these years. So, that leaves only one possibility."

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now