4 - A losing battle

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Jungkook learned how precious memory could be when he woke up one day five years ago and forgot that Jackson was severely allergic to peanuts.

In the end, he still added peanut jam to Jackson's healthy drink potion and almost caused the man to be sent into the emergency room overnight.

When Jackson regained consciousness after eight hours, the first thing he had said to Jungkook was, "Not your fault. Everyone who survives such an incident will find it hard to adjust themselves back to normal. Don't beat yourself up over this again."

It was not okay. How could it be okay? That time, he had almost caused Jackson's death. It was a close call. What if he messed up even more in the future? What if next time... his thoughtless act really led to someone's death?

Since then, Jungkook secretly kept a notebook.

It was not quite a diary but if someone found it, then they would be able to know every important information about Jungkook, including but not limited to his birthday and the people around him, foods to avoid and the ones he disliked, favorite colors, his credit card number, the password to his email... Well, that was almost everything.

Jungkook could not remember if he had written something about his car there but knowing himself, he probably did.

He'd rather be excessive than to forget something again.

But it led to the most important problem, he did not carry the notebook with him today due to the haste.

Jungkook held his forehead and screwed his eyes shut. Why are you such a mess today, Jungkook?!

"Mr. Jeon?" Jimin looked slightly alarmed, his hand was halfway to his earpiece. "Are you unwell again?"

"Oh no, it's not that..." Jungkook let out a wry laugh. For some reason, he did not want Jimin to know how messed up he was. It was already enough to be treated as a murder suspect. He did not want to be seen as a disabled too. "Can I come with you?"

Jimin frowned. "Come with me...?"

"Yes, I swear I will stay within your sight." Jungkook lifted three fingers to the sky to emphasize his point. "There is something really, really important that I can't let anyone see. Please don't be offended, Officer Park. It's an Alpha thing, you know..." He let out another unconvincing chuckle.

Please, please... if Jimin was also an Alpha like him, then he would definitely buy Jungkook's answer.

Alpha was born territorial and they could not bear it if someone touched their belongings, especially when Jungkook had asserted its importance.

He put on his most somber look, one that Jackson had said would make crying children shut up in an instant — Jungkook swore he was not that scary! — all the while trying to calm his furiously beating heart.

He must have looked quite pitiful because Jimin immediately averted his gaze away as though he couldn't bear to look at Jungkook's act any longer. Jungkook tried not to relax visibly.

"Fine," he spat out the word like it pained him to do so. "Stay within my sight at all times. And if you try to run away..." His eyes narrowed sharply, threatening. "...know that it won't end well for both of us, Mr. Jeon." Without waiting for any answer, Jimin stood up and turned away.

And hence, he failed to notice how Jungkook had frozen in his seat still with a tight-lipped smile on his face.

Yes he might look normal at one glance but underneath the table, he was clenching his fists so tight that his nails had surely sunk into the flesh. Goosebumps flared all over his body and his head was filled with nothing but ringing noises.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now