22 - VIP membership

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The technician came to them with bad news. "Not good! The number Dong-wook was calling belonged to a burner phone! It has been deactivated and there is no way we can track it down anymore!"

Namjoon had expected this outcome. On the contrary, if the mastermind did not show the same meticulousness as how he arranged for a criminal to kill Miss Zhao, then Namjoon would become suspicious. "It's okay," he told everyone. "Right now, we should follow Dong-Wook's trajectory in the surveillance camera. Let's see where he went after he killed Miss Zhao."

"Yes, Captain!"

Energized, the officers buried themselves into their computer screens again, keenly sweeping through thousands of surveillance footage in order to map Dong-Wook's movement. Minutes ticked by and the result made them grow frustrated. It was unknown for what reason, but Dong-Wook's caution was clearly higher than most people.

They had been following him for almost two hours — and sometimes he would take advantage of back alleyways to avoid the cameras only to appear a few hundreds meters away, giving a huge headache to them who were searching for him and in the end, he merely circled around the same area again and again!

"What was he doing?!"

"Do you think he was tracked by someone? And in order to shake them off, he could only do something like that?"

"Huh? Then the people who tracked him should appear in the surveillance footage as well, but we found nothing at all! Let me tell you, Dong-Wook, this bastard, only wanted to confuse us!"

"You mean he had guessed early on that the police would definitely find him?"

"Or else?!"

The continuous work tired everyone out. The officers' tempers were not good to begin with and now, they had become worse. They were akin to a bomb whose fuse could light up at any moment. It was already a common reoccurrence and usually, they would argue for a while to blow off steam before they continued to work again.

However, it was obvious that a certain officer had gotten very impatient from being held back at work and was unable to go home to check on someone. He stood up abruptly, drawing the attention of many, and drew a large circle on the map. "I suggest that we focus on this area."

Everyone was stunned when Jimin took the initiative to speak. Even though they had been colleagues for years, Jimin's impression on everyone stayed the same; detached, cool-headed, and competent.

When he first joined the team, Captain Namjoon had assigned a partner for him because generally, the people in their division would work in pairs in order to support each other in time of need. But Jimin straightforwardly rejected it and insisted that he could work very well by himself.

At first, they thought that this person was simply arrogant down to the bones and he would come back sooner or later crying how he failed to complete the mission. Who could have guessed that Jimin would really achieve brilliant results one after another? So far, he had not failed every single one of the tasks the Captain gave him.

There were just some people who had an inherent cold temperament and could not be approached casually. Although he was hailed as a very promising and bright junior, no one dared to break through the barrier around him because of the intense chill he exuded. They gradually accepted Jimin as an anomaly in their division.

To them, he was just like a robot. He would execute what you asked him perfectly, and that's that.

This was the first time that Jimin had actively participated in their discussion! Everyone was so shocked that they could not react for a while, staring at Jimin wide-eyed as if he had grown two heads.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now